DEV Community

Onboard your codebase with CodeTour

Tobias Timm on March 31, 2020

While browsing through my GitHub feed yesterday, I discovered a kind of new Visual Studio Code extension called CodeTour. Curious what this extens...
gracegtaylor profile image
Grace Taylor

Thanks for the kind words! Glad you enjoyed CodeTour. CodeTour arose as a result of our research into dev teams sharing knowledge and onboarding. We're always brainstorming ways to enrich or fill gaps in the knowledge sharing experience.

tobiastimm profile image
Tobias Timm

Thank you for your comment! The idea behind CodeTour is great! I have a few suggestions or ideas for new features if you are interested. 😊

gracegtaylor profile image
Grace Taylor

Great! I'd love to hear your ideas. I'm happy to chat via email. I saw your email on Github so I'll shoot you a message!

lefterisxris profile image
Eleftherios Chrysochoidis

📢 FYI, CodeTour is now available for all IntelliJ-based IDEs as well!!!

🐛 Feel free to report issues, request features and join the discussion are on CodeTour Github repo