DEV Community

Discussion on: My Writing Process

toddpress profile image
Todd Pressley

Thanks for getting straight to valuable content, without shameless self-plugs and unnecessary preamble... I too hope to avoid this, as it's been a pain point in my years on the consuming end of like content.

I am now also getting into dev content creation; I'm not sure if you've exactly worked out your target audience, but I'm it (or partially representative of it). Currently, my main struggle is knowing how much information is enough, and what I can assume that my will-be audience already knows. Sure, time will tell; but sometimes you need to sharpen an axe before it can chop down a tree.

For example, a current dilemma is for a tutorial article and video: I'm really stoked about where web components are finally going, so I chose it as my first topic. To work with web components irl, there remains this inherent tooling step, and so the dilemma is this: should I walk through setup stepwise (i.e. webpack and babel installation and configuration) or provide a starter repo, introduce the subject and why I believe it's so important, and get straight to it?

I understand this is not your problem, and I may very well represent competition on some level (trust, you're miles ahead of me, my friend)... I only wrote this so that you might consider elaborating on your process of content selection and your scoping for your articles as well.

I'm, so far, very impressed with Write Good, and plan to add the "Listen to it" step to my workflow. Thanks again for pouring your hard-earned time into creating content for people like me.

dcwither profile image
Devin Witherspoon

Thanks, I’m glad it was helpful! Honestly, I’m doing this to improve my writing, and to try to be less afraid of learning and even failing in public.

For me, my audience is either me X days/weeks/months/years ago, or someone that I’ve interacted with recently that I didn’t have the words to help them as effectively as I would have liked.

I don’t think I’m any authority on what will be popular, but one thing I’ve noticed is that the more accessible the content is to a beginner audience the better it does. It’s not gonna stop me from writing about developer ergonomics when writing an ESLint plugin, but I need to be ok with that article not getting much of an audience.