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Discussion on: High level view and logic separation in React

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Tomek Buszewski

Hey Peter!

From my perspective, Angular is a great choice for enterprise-grade applications. If you have a really large team that can adapt this easily – go for it. Learning curve is steep, but it really is a framework. You're getting everything, routing, http service, whatever.

React, on the other hand, is more of a "all 'round" library, it works great with small companies (like the one I work for now) and big ones (like the one I was working for last year). But it comes with a cost – you need to choose (and stick with your choice) everything. HTTP module? Router? Application state management? All of these are vendors. React just renders the UI (and does it pretty great).

Separation of concerns as an architectural pattern is framework-agnostic and can be applied to either Angular or React. It's a leader's role to maintain the code quality on the big picture. If you, as a lead, decide that logic and view needs to be separated (and boy, they need to be!), you should stick to it and make your team understand why.

With all that being said, I'd go with React, since it has way smaller learning curve and can be scaled pretty well, while Angular is already scaled when you begin.