DEV Community

Discussion on: The Story of Ruby/Rails Crowd Learning 🤓

tonydehnke profile image
Tony Dehnke

How did you find the people you worked with? How did you manage the difference between people new to coding and experience coders? I really like this idea, I'm wondering as a newbie coder how I could do something like this.

ark profile image
Ark Shraier

First, I've published my idea on famous national developers site with a link to google forms page (for registration). We took classic Matz's 'Ruby in a Nutshell' book, divided topics among participants and scheduled our meetings one a week at 8pm.

More experienced guys took more difficult topics to explain, less experienced took easier topics from the book. We had screensharing so everybody could see how things works (like Avdi's Ruby Tapas).

tonydehnke profile image
Tony Dehnke

That is very cool. Thanks for sharing.