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Alabi Temitope

Full-stack Developer | Tech Enthusiast | Problem Solver

Location Nigeria Joined Joined on  github website twitter website
# Week 9 of My #100DaysOfCode Challenge 🚀

# Week 9 of My #100DaysOfCode Challenge 🚀

2 min read
🚀 Week 8 of #100DaysOfCode: A Week of Building, Learning, and Growing!

🚀 Week 8 of #100DaysOfCode: A Week of Building, Learning, and Growing!

2 min read
Week 7 of #100DaysOfCode: Progress, Challenges, and Growth 🚀

Week 7 of #100DaysOfCode: Progress, Challenges, and Growth 🚀

3 min read
🚀 Week 6 of #100DaysOfCode: Deep Dive into JavaScript, Building Projects, and Overcoming Challenges

🚀 Week 6 of #100DaysOfCode: Deep Dive into JavaScript, Building Projects, and Overcoming Challenges

2 min read
Week 5 of #100DaysOfCode: Mastering JavaScript Fundamentals, Building a Blackjack Game, and My First Chrome Extension!

Week 5 of #100DaysOfCode: Mastering JavaScript Fundamentals, Building a Blackjack Game, and My First Chrome Extension!

3 min read
Week 4 Recap of #100DaysOfCode: From Creative CSS to JavaScript Adventures 🚀

Week 4 Recap of #100DaysOfCode: From Creative CSS to JavaScript Adventures 🚀

3 min read
🚀 Week 3 Recap of My #100DaysOfCode Challenge🚀

🚀 Week 3 Recap of My #100DaysOfCode Challenge🚀

2 min read
Week 2 of #100DaysOfCode: Flexbox, Typography, Accessibility, and More!

Week 2 of #100DaysOfCode: Flexbox, Typography, Accessibility, and More!

3 min read
My Journey So Far: #100DaysOfCode Challenge and What I Aim to Achieve

My Journey So Far: #100DaysOfCode Challenge and What I Aim to Achieve

2 min read