If your website is displaying this not
secure error that means you either don't,have an SSL certificate installed or the
one that you do have installed isn't,activated. So, in this video I'll show you
two methods how you can turn that not,secure error into a green padlock
completely free.,go to cloudflare.com and,sign up for a free account. Type in your
website name that still doesn't have an,SSL installed and choose the free plan.
Cloudflare will do a quick scan just,click continue after it's over. You'll
see two name servers that you need to,point your domain to. So, this next step
is different for every single web,hosting provider in my example I'll be
using Hostinger but if you don't have,access to your name servers or you just
don't want to mess around with that skip,to this time in the video where I'll
show you a method how you can get you,free SSL without updating the name
servers. Here's how you update the name,servers on Hostinger. Near your
domains click manage delete all four,name servers that are here and type in
the two that CloudFlare gave you. Finally,,click update.
Yeah it's that simple! You'll get this,screen when the process is complete
after your name servers are updated go,to the SSL / TLS and choose the flexible
option. Click on edge certificates and,enable always use HTTPS option. Now,
you'll want to go into your WordPress,account and install a couple of plugins.
You can reach the WordPress dashboard by,typing in your website name followed by
/wp-admin hover over the,plugins choose add new in the search bar
type in CloudFlare and next to the,CloudFlare flexible ssl click install
then activate. Then click add new again,and in the search bar type in "Really Simple SSL" click on install then activate,then go ahead and activate your free SSL
certificate. And that's it now you have,an unlimited SSL certificate for a
lifetime and you can have as many as you,like for different websites and all of
the renewal processes will be taken care,of by CloudFlare. If for some reason this
method didn't work for you I'll show you,another method that you can use and it
doesn't require you messing with the name,servers all you need is access to the
file manager of your website. Visit,sslforfree.com and type in the domain
name that you want to have an SSL,installed on. Click create free SSL
certificate and choose manual,verification. Click on manually verified
domain and download both files, keep this,page open for later, go to the control
panel of your web hosting provider and,access the file manager. Most web hosting
providers use a cPanel so you'll find,this option under files file manager if
you're using Hostinger you'll find this,under files file manager as well and if
you're using DreamHost,you'll find this under "Managed WordPress",
"Manage Files" once you're inside the file,manager you want to find is the public
folder where all of your WordPress files,are stored. Now, you'll need to go into
settings and activate show hidden files,now you should see a folder named .well-known and if you don't don't,worry
just click on +folder and name it,.well-known inside the well-known
folder you should see acme-challenge,again if you don't see this folder just
create it yourself. Go inside acme-challenge,and upload the two files that
you've downloaded from sslforfree,previously. Now, go back to the SSL for
free page that you kept open and click,on these links they should take you to a
page that looks something like this and,if it doesn't that means something went
wrong. So, try repeating the process again,when everything is working correctly
click on download SSL certificate then,go into your cPanel and navigate to the
SSL / TLS tab once inside click on,manage SSL sites. Scroll down, choose the
domain name you want to install your SSL,on and copy paste all of the information
from sslforfree into the different tabs then,click install. Once the installation is
complete you'll need to go into,WordPress and install the really simple
SSL plugin and that's it! Now, you have a,fully functional free SSL certificate no
matter which method you use and I know,some web hosting providers charge quite
a bit of money for their SSL,certificates but most of the time what
you're getting is this exact same SSL,certificate that we just installed
ourselves but web hosting providers,don't actually charge for
the SSL certificate itself. They take,money for the installation and the
renewal processes but since now you know,how to do it yourself you're never gonna
have to pay money ever again. My name is,Emit with the hosting movie team and I
do website and web hosting related,tutorials and reviews. So, if you want to
learn more cool stuff for your website,for free consider subscribing and as
always good luck making your websites.
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