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Discussion on: Why (! + [] + [] + ![]).length is 9

tpenguinltg profile image

JavaScript does operations from right to left.

In some cases it does, but not in this case. The reason you see behaviour that may appear to be right-to-left evaluation is because of operator precedence, where the unary ! has a higher precedence than the binary +.

+ actually evaluates from left to right, so more verbosely parenthesized, it looks like this:

(((!(+[])) + []) + (![])).length

Evaluating this parenthesized form step-by-step, we get this:

/*  1. */ (((!(+[])) + []) + (![])).length  // parethesized form.
/*  2. */ (((!0) + []) + (![])).length      // `+[]` is evaluated to `0`.
/*  3. */ (((!false) + []) + (![])).length  // `0` is coerced to the boolean `false`.
/*  4. */ ((true + []) + (![])).length      // `!false` is evaluated to `true`.
/*  5. */ (("true" + "") + (![])).length    // `[]` is coerced as a primitive to the string `""`, which means `true` is also coerced to a string.
/*  6. */ ("true" + (![])).length           // `"true" + ""` is string concatenation, which evaluates to `"true"`.
/*  7. */ ("true" + (!true)).length         // `[]` is coerced to the boolean `true`.
/*  8. */ ("true" + false).length           // `!true` evaluates to `false`.
/*  9. */ ("true" + "false").length         // `false` is coerced to a string because `"true"` is a string.
/* 10. */ "truefalse".length                // `"true" + "false"` is evaluated as string concatenation to `"truefalse".
/* 11. */ 9                                 // the length of `"truefalse"` is `9`.
tomasforsman profile image
Tomas Forsman

The first + is unary, right?

tpenguinltg profile image

Indeed it is.