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How to Build and Manage Outsourced Teams in Africa

If you need a team to build and manage your next projects but do not have enough time or money to retain in-house employees, outsourcing is a sure-fire way to kickstart your project.

Outsourcing teams is becoming a prominent way to develop new projects and build businesses in Africa and beyond.

Companies today do not need to own all their teams. Even big corporations like Microsoft do not produce all the hardware and software components they use in their production/manufacturing processes.

However, building and managing an effective outsourced team is usually challenging and requires effort. This article aims to explain how to do it in clear terms.

What Exactly is Team Outsourcing?

Outsourcing simply means contracting a third party to supply goods or render a service for your business.

Outsourcing is actually more popular in business operations than you may know. Big Companies outsource the manufacturing of some components, some back-end operations, and customer-facing services like sales and customer service.

For instance, Microsoft, a software giant, has long adopted outsourcing. An Official announcement as far back as January 1996 stated that the Company “is moving ahead with its comprehensive outsourcing policy, which seeks to contract everyday network management chores and PC procurement and repair to vendors that specialize in support for corporate computing systems.”

To date, Microsoft outsources some portion of its enterprise support.

Even in banks and FinTechs, outsourcing is largely used. Most banks’ direct sales agents and call centre representatives in Nigeria are outsourced.

Currently, countries like China are heavy on Tech and manufacturing. Hence, many countries and companies worldwide, including Apple, outsource manufacturing to China.

If you need a technical team to help you build your business, Tribesquare has a perfectly designed outsourcing service for you. You can maintain control of your processes, people, and products without worrying about hiring or team management issues. Visit our Website to learn more about our services.

Why Do Companies Use Outsourced Teams?

Why do companies need outsourced teams

Companies outsource their teams for several reasons, from cost reduction to internal capacity considerations.

Here are the top reasons why Companies adopt outsourced teams:

To Save Costs: places like Africa, South America, and Asia have become hubs for sourcing talent since labour costs are cheaper in those regions.

To Save Time: Hiring developers is time-consuming. Hence, outsourcing can help your business save valuable time.

To Give Room For Business Owners to Focus on the Non-Technical Aspects of the Business: Some business owners outsource Technical teams to have more freedom to focus on the non-technical business aspects like business development, marketing and sales, relationship management and other tasks that are central to business activity.

No Resources or Capacity to Manage Experienced and Specialized Engineers: Some companies that do not have the capacity to retain and manage a technical team can outsource the technical part of their businesses.

Access to Top International Talents: Outsourcing teams give you access to a wide range of top talents from different backgrounds and allow you to source the best technical hands for your projects.

How To Build An Outsourced Team in Africa

Team outsourcing has been done in a way where the outsourced team sees themselves as pure contractors with no connection to the ultimate success or failure of the business.

These outsourced teams were just contracted to build products, and once the product is working fine, the teams take it off their to-do list.

Also, the project owners are at the mercy of the contractors regarding security since the contractors have complete knowledge of the technical aspects of the business and all of the product's back end.

However, there is a new way of outsourcing teams, which comes in the form of distributed or extended teams. Team-as-a-service firms offer this new pattern (distributed teams).

With distributed teams, you get dedicated technical teams who serve as your technical partners in building your products and running your businesses.

The teams build the technical products, help you launch, and are there to fix bugs and make any enhancements as needed.

In other words, an extended team is more like a part of your workforce domiciled in another location but working hand in hand with you in running your business.

Outsourced teams fit into your organization, take up your work culture, and deliver products to the market.

Here are the steps to build an outsourced team in Africa:

1. Understand your Business Needs: Understand what you want to build and the tools and methods you need to achieve it. Consider the following questions with your internal team:

  • What type of product are you building?

  • What programming languages and Tech stack do you need to develop your products?

  • What level of expertise and experience do you require?

  • Will you adopt Agile development (fast development using customer feedback) or Scrum (quick turnaround)?

Clear answers to these questions will help you understand your business's technical needs. With that understanding, you can begin building your teams.

2. Search For Reliable Technical Teams: Once your business requirements have been identified, the next step is to find reputable and highly effective technical teams to work with.

An excellent way to find great teams is to look in your network. If you have friends who offer team-as-a-service or work in a firm that offers such a service, reach out to them.

You can also use referrals. Ask your Technical friends if they know any outsourcing companies or team-as-a-service firms. Contact such teams, and remember to acknowledge your referee.

However, if you do not have any outsourcing founder or possible referral in your network, Google can be helpful.

Simply type team-as-a-service or outsourcing companies in Africa. Google will provide you with a list of credible outsourcing teams in the region or marketplaces that list IT services for Africans.

3. Reach Out to Your Preferred Team: Check the available teams you find and choose the most suitable option.

Get in touch with them and communicate your project requirements. Be as detailed and clear as possible. It’s best to draft comprehensive information about your project and the deliverables you expect from your Technical team.

Ensure that everyone understands the project's requirements and is committed to getting it done.

How To Manage an Outsourced Team in Africa

Managing an outsourced team can be tricky. You will likely not be in the same office space or even the exact geographical location with your technical team.

However, the key is to communicate adequately, immerse your outsourced teams in your organizational culture, and get them to work on the same page as other team members.

  • Teach Your Outsourced Team About Your Company: During onboarding, you should educate your outsourced team about your company, work, and mission. Introduce them to your internal teams and allow team members to ask questions.

Comprehensive and easy-to-read documentation and style guides help reduce verbal instructions during onboarding, so get them ready beforehand.

  • Communication: Ensure you properly discuss your business needs, budget, and expectations with your team.

Please encourage them to ask questions when confused and always reach out to check the progress of their activities. However, be careful not to micromanage your teams while checking on them.

To manage your teams and track their projects, you can use project management tools like Trello, Slack, or Airtable.

Also, be open to feedback and be ready to learn and accept important suggestions. This way, all parties will be free to speak and willing to understand one another.

  • Define Roles Adequately: It is important to define roles clearly and explain boundaries to avoid function overlaps and misunderstandings between internal and outsourced team members.

Also, communicate the deliverables you expect from your outsourced team and the turnaround period, and set realistic Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track success.

Be as specific and detailed as you can be when defining roles.

  • Prepare to Handle the Realities of Outsourcing: Outsourcing teams, especially those from different geographical locations, may face peculiar realities, such as time zone issues and a language barrier.

The language barrier is more straightforward to tackle because you should only hire a team that works with your company’s official language.

Meanwhile, for the time-zone issues, you can agree on a select period of the day, say 8:00 am (GMT +1) to 16:00 (GMT+1), when everyone has to work together on a project.

Conversely, you can also elect to give your outsourced team a flexible work time if they deliver their tasks within the stipulated deadlines.

  • Impact Your Organization Culture On Your Outsourced Teams: You want your outsourced teams to work in tandem with your internal team. Hence, ensure you manage expectations and communicate your company culture accordingly.

State the commitment, ambition, and dedication your organization demands; describe what goes and what does not go in your organization, the communication and reward system, and the company's ultimate vision.

An adequate understanding of these and other aspects of your organizational culture can help your outsourced teams completely commit to the company’s mission.

Extend and Manage Your Team With Tribesquare

If you have a technical project for your business or start-up and are looking to make it easy, Tribesquare has a perfectly designed outsourcing service for you. Get an extended team with high-performant developers, designers, and product managers to handle the Technical side of your business and help you supercharge your growth. Contact us today, and let us handle your team needs.

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