DEV Community

Discussion on: Let docker flutter for you

tromp6 profile image
Max Trompetter

I executed exactly the commands that you wrote down here "docker run --rm -e UID=$(id -u) -e GID=$(id -g) --workdir /project -v "$PWD":/project matspfeiffer/flutter create .

xhost local:$USER && docker run --rm -ti -e UID=$(id -u) -e GID=$(id -g) -p 42000:42000 --workdir /project --device /dev/kvm --device /dev/dri:/dev/dri -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY -v "$PWD":/project --entrypoint flutter-android-emulator matspfeiffer/flutter"

under ubuntu and it doesn't work.
Error Message: No devices found with name or id matching 'flutter_emulator'