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Cover image for DevOps Basics reaches 200 stars: A milestone celebration πŸŽ‰

DevOps Basics reaches 200 stars: A milestone celebration πŸŽ‰

Tung Leo on September 15, 2024

I am thrilled to announce that my GitHub repository, devops-basics, has just reached an exciting milestone of 200 stars! πŸŽ‰ This achievement is a te...
dtsnyder profile image
Drew Snyder β€’

This is an amazing resource with one big blind spot. There doesn't seem to be any documentation for DevOps on SaaS applications like Salesforce.

That said, I wouldn't even know how to incorporate that very different learning path into these docs. Most of the basics tools are the same (IDEs, source control, CI/CD) but SaaS applications take care of most of the accidental complexity that solutions like docker and kubernetes solve for, while at the same time introducing their own set of accidental complexity like not being able to rebuild the application from scratch.

As more applications turn into declarative development environments with the assistance of AI with a focus on allowing developers to spend more time on essential complexity, the Venn diagram of "traditional" DevOps and SaaS DevOps will grow in the middle, with more and more new devs approaching the topic from the SaaS side.

tungbq profile image
Tung Leo β€’

Thank you so much for your thoughtful feedback and for highlighting an important area that could be expanded! πŸ™

I’ll be honest - I currently don’t have much experience with DevOps for SaaS applications like Salesforce. However, you’ve brought up a great point about the unique challenges and opportunities that SaaS platforms present, especially in comparison to more traditional DevOps tools like Docker and Kubernetes.

The convergence between traditional DevOps and SaaS DevOps, as you mentioned, is an exciting shift, and it’s definitely worth exploring how to address this in a way that bridges the gap for those coming from either side. I’ll make a note of this and consider adding content that reflects these new practices as I continue to grow the repository.

If you or others have specific ideas or examples of workflows in SaaS DevOps, I’d love to hear more! Your insight is incredibly valuable in helping this resource stay relevant and comprehensive.

dtsnyder profile image
Drew Snyder β€’

I'll definitely be contributing, when I find some time this fall.

coder_pratyaksh_d89d468f0 profile image

I don't know anything about devops, but I want to starr it.
What should be my steps and things I should take care off while learning devops, how much time it may take (estimated).

I think I should go to and then find the topics and read that topics from you documentation. Am I correct ?
(Btw 950 stars)

tungbq profile image
Tung Leo β€’

Thank you, @coder_pratyaksh_d89d468f0, for your interest and support.

If you're looking for a DevOps learning path, I would suggest starting with and You can then combine them with my devops-basics repo when you want to explore specific topics.

dreamszz profile image
Christian Peper β€’

Xebia used to have the periodic table of DevOps that lists similar tools vertically much the chemical equivalent . Have you seen that?

tungbq profile image
Tung Leo β€’

Thank you so much for your feedback! It's great to hear that there is similar content out there to help everyone learn and explore DevOps. Unfortunately, I haven’t come across the one you mentioned before, but I would love to learn more about it. Please feel free to share it here so everyone can benefit and grow together. Thanks!

dreamszz profile image
Christian Peper β€’

I see there are many nowadays!

best_codes profile image
Best Codes β€’

I'm the 200th like on this post! πŸ€ͺ

tungbq profile image
Tung Leo β€’

Yeah! That’s another interesting and happy milestone.
Thank you so much for your support/reaction @best_codes

best_codes profile image
Best Codes β€’

No problem; love your project! :D

martinbaun profile image
Martin Baun β€’

Keep up the good work man!

tungbq profile image
Tung Leo β€’

Thank you! I really appreciate the support! I'll keep pushing forward and striving to deliver even better content. Your encouragement means a lot! πŸ’—

mankind7 profile image
Mankind Thomson β€’

Congratulations on reaching 200 stars! πŸŽ‰ Your hard work and dedication are truly paying off. Here's to many more milestones ahead! πŸš€

thermal8 profile image
Thermal8 β€’

Welldone Bruh

wanda_vision profile image β€’


tungbq profile image
Tung Leo β€’

Thank you all!

notharshhaa profile image
H A R S H H A A β€’ β€’ Edited

Great Project πŸ‘, keep growing DevOps Community πŸ’— @tungbq

tungbq profile image
Tung Leo β€’

Thanks you so much @notharshhaa for your kind words!

mark_batham profile image
Mark Schlacter β€’

Why I am not able to give the star? is it because I am new?

mark_batham profile image
Mark Schlacter β€’

Found it and gave it a like from me.

tungbq profile image
Tung Leo β€’

Thank you πŸ™