In my opinion it is way bigger achievement than actually solving that particular problem in the lowest time whoever did this, you my friend.. you have earned my respect!!
While working through a recent LeetCode problem after solving it I went on to check out the best solutions and other ways to solve the problem and I came across one really bright mind.
One of the solutions had a piece of code that reverse-engineered how LeetCode displays runtime results. Yep, someone actually figured out a way to modify the runtime display to always show 0 ms, regardless of the actual performance of the algorithm.
This code essentially manipulates the system and writes "0" into a file when the program exits, effectively "hiding" the real performance.
it uses a module called atexit
i.e. "at exit" which then receives a function to register and unregistered cleanup functions, and then it takes a lambda function which opens the "display_runtime.txt" and writes 0 to it.
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