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How To add a new font on macOS?

To add a new font on macOS, you can follow these steps:

  1. Download the font: Find a trusted source where you can download the font file (usually in TTF or OTF format) to your Mac.
    Download Font

  2. Open Font Book: Font Book is the built-in font management tool on macOS. You can find it by going to the "Applications" folder or by using Spotlight search (press Command + Space and type "Font Book").

  3. Install the font: In Font Book, go to "File" in the menu bar and select "Add Fonts" or simply drag and drop the downloaded font file into the Font Book window.

  4. Verify and organize the font: Font Book will open the font file and display a preview. You can scroll through the font variations and check if everything looks as expected. Optionally, you can add the font to specific collections or create new ones to organize your fonts.

  5. Install for all users (optional): By default, Font Book installs fonts for the current user only. If you want to make the font available for all users on your Mac, select the font in Font Book and go to "File" > "Validate Font" in the menu bar. Once the validation is complete, click the "Install Checked" button to install the font system-wide.

  6. Restart applications: After installing the font, you may need to restart any applications (such as word processors or design software) that were already running in order for them to recognize and use the newly installed font.

Once the font is successfully installed, you should be able to use it in any application that supports font selection.

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