DEV Community

Takahiro Fukushima
Takahiro Fukushima

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How to make Slack Workflow input form

Hi I'm Tak.
This article theme is how to make Slack Workflow input form.


I recently used Slack workflow for AWS resource management.
It is a useful tool, So It's required for Devops and Platform engineering.

This article teach you how to create input form and save its contents to  Google spreadsheet.

How to make Slack Workflow input form

  1. Click "More" and "Automations"
    Image description

  2. Click "New Workflow" and "Build Workflow", Next you see display to build workflow
    Image description

  3. Click "Form a link in Slack"
    Image description
    You build start hook to call workflow.
    There are others, schedule, to use emoji, to join menber and so on.

  4. Click "Forms"
    You click "Forms".
    Image description

  5. Click "Collect info in a form"
    You click "Collect info in a form", You display create form page.
    Image description

  6. Create form
    You can look "Collect info in a form", You input "Form title".
    Next Click "Add Question", Create form Question.
    Image description

  7. Create Question
    First You input question, then select Question type, input description, check required or not.
    Image description

    There are a lot of "Question tupe".
    Image description

  8. Save form
    You return page. You finish to form, so click "Save".
    Image description

  9. Connect Google Spreadsheet
    You send inputed form info to Google Spreadsheet, You connect it.
    Click "Google Sheets".
    Image description

  10. Click "Add to spreadsheet"
    You click "Add to spreadsheet", so You look connect Google Spreadsheet page for add info.
    Image description

  11. Connect Google Spreadsheet
    Choose your Google account, then select spreadsheet file name and sheet name.
    Next, Check Column and Value.
    You finish to check, so you click "Save".
    Image description
    Image description

  12. Finish to create form
    You finish to create form, so Click "Finish Up".
    You set config, If you customize it.
    Image description


You can use input form created slack workflow.
There are a lot of customization pattern.

Slack have CI/CD and Git repository service web hooks.
Addition of you can use Slack Workflow, It seem to perfect environment DevOps and Platform engineering.

I keep learning Slack Workflow.

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