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Adding Grammar Checking To Gtk4's TextView

Buckle in your compilers because this is going to be a bumpy ride. 1

If I'm being honest, too many text editors are focused on the eye candy. How many times have you heard "We don't need Word Processors anymore; we have markdown"? Then you look in the comments section, and everyone's poking fun at grammatical errors.

We abandoned the word processor, and now we're running around unhinged and unchecked.

The world doesn't have to be that way. We can do better. We can do it for free.

Grammar Checking in GTK4 and GtkSourceView5

The Word Processor did not abandon us. AbiWord's Link Grammar Parser is free, open source, and actively maintained. There's bindings for Java, Node.js, Perl, Python, and Vala.

Today we're going to use some Vala, GTK4, GtkSourceView5, and the Link Grammar Parser. Let's make like the Hulk and smash them together.

Getting Started

I'm on Ubuntu 22.04. In order to grab all of the stuff listed above, we can run:

sudo apt install build-essential valac libgtk-4-dev libgtksourceview-5-dev liblink-grammar-dev meson ninja-build
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The directory structure I used for the project was:

├── src
│   ├── Application.vala
│   ├── Functions.vala
│   ├── GrammarChecker.vala
│   └── Markdown.vala
└── vapi
    └── linkgrammar.vapi
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We have to download the linkgrammar.vapi into the vapi directory. You can clone the code for this tutorial from

To use the VAPI, we have to tell the compiler where to find it.

project('grammarview', ['vala', 'c'],
  version: '0.0.1'

# Find linkgrammar (under library name)
cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
linkgrammar = cc.find_library('liblink-grammar', required: false)
# If we can't find the library, double check without the "lib" prefix.
if linkgrammar.found() == false
    cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
    linkgrammar = cc.find_library('link-grammar', required: true)

# Define our dependencies
example_deps = [ dependency('gtk4'), dependency('gtksourceview-5'), dependency('gee-0.8'), linkgrammar ]

# Tell the compiler where our custom Vala Bindings are
add_project_arguments(['--vapidir', join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'vapi')], language: 'vala')

# Define our executable and its sources
    dependencies: example_deps,
    vala_args: [
        meson.source_root() + '/vapi/linkgrammar.vapi'
    install: false
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Grammar Checking with Link Grammar from Vala

There's some puzzle pieces we have to define and put together. We need to be able to call into the link-grammar library. We also need to extract sentences from a Gtk.TextView. Somehow, we have to update the text view at a non-obnoxious rate.

The Grammar Thinking Class

Link-Grammar works by performing some part of speech tagging and finding legitimate connections between the words. When a connection can't be formed, it can be considered a grammatical error.

The library allows us to specify constraints when parsing sentences along with choosing a dictionary.

    // Class for running `link-parser` with timing constraints
    public class GrammarThinking : GLib.Object {
        // Link Grammar State
        private ParseOptions options;
        private Dictionary dictionary;
        private string language;

        public GrammarThinking () {
            options = new ParseOptions ();
            options.set_max_null_count (150); // Max Number of null Links allow
            options.set_verbosity (0); // Silent Mode
            options.set_linkage_limit (150); // Max Number of Links
            options.set_max_parse_time (2); // 2 Seconds per sentence
            check_language_settings ();

        public void check_language_settings () {
            // Get user's locale
            var locale = Intl.setlocale ();
            if (locale != null) {
                if (locale.length >= 2) {
                    // Attempt to set language dictionary
                    language = locale.substring (0, 2);
                    dictionary = new Dictionary (language);
                    if (dictionary == null) {
                        language = "";
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In this code, we limit each sentence to 2 seconds of parsing and 150 links. We also read the configured locale settings and attempt to set the dictionary to match.

For checking sentences, we can write create a sentence object and ask the Parser to parse it.

        // Check grammar in a sentence
        public bool sentence_check_ex (string sentence, out string suggestion, Gee.List<string>? problem_words = null) {
            suggestion = "";

            if (language == "" || dictionary == null) {
                return true;

            bool error_free = true;
            string check_sentence = strip_markdown (sentence).chug ().chomp ();
            // If it looks like we'd be noisy for HTML or random syntax
            if (check_sentence.contains ("[") || check_sentence.contains ("]") ||
                sentence.contains ("<") || sentence.contains (">") || sentence.has_prefix ("!") ||
                sentence.replace ("-", "").chug ().chomp () == "" || sentence.replace ("*", "").chug ().chomp () == "")
                return true;

            var sent = new Sentence (check_sentence, dictionary);
            sent.split (options);
            var num_linkages = sent.parse (options);
            // Only highlight issues if links were established
            if (num_linkages > 0) {
                var linkage = new Linkage (0, sent, options);
                string raw_suggestion = "";
                var num_words = linkage.get_num_words ();
                // Find the failed links
                for (size_t w = 0; w < num_words; w++) {
                    string word = linkage.get_word (w);
                    if (word.has_prefix ("[")) {
                        error_free = false;
                    raw_suggestion += word + " ";
                parse_suggestion (raw_suggestion, out suggestion, problem_words);

            return error_free;
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The Linkage returns something like:

    +-------->WV-------->+                          |
    +---->Wd-----+       |                          |
    |      +Ds**c+--Ss*s-+--------Os--------+       +--RW--+
    |      |     |       |                  |       |      |
LEFT-WALL the side.n affects.v [were] devastating.g . RIGHT-WALL
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We parse each word to find the failed [links] and put them into a list to highlight.

A call to sentence_check_ex ("The side affects were devastating", out suggestion, problem_words) will provide:

suggestion = "the side affects [were] devastating"
problem_words = ["were"]
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Using this, we can grab sentences from a Gtk.TextView and then highlight them.

Coordinating non-blocking grammar checking and highlighting

When I first tried this, I connected grammar checking to Gtk.TextBuffer's changed signal. Every keystroke would lock the GUI while grammar checking occurred.

To prevent this, we need multi-threading or good coordination of the main loop.

I have a math degree and never studied design patterns. I like to think we're about to use the Producer Consumer design pattern.

Vala provides a Concurrent Set. We can use this to coordinate getting link-grammar suggestions and displaying the suggestions. First, we need a way to communicate.

    public class GrammarUpdateRequest : Object {
        // Original text from the buffer
        public string text;
        // Words to highlight as problematic
        public Gee.List<string> words;

        public GrammarUpdateRequest () {
            words = new Gee.LinkedList<string> ();

        public static int compare_tag_requests (GrammarUpdateRequest a, GrammarUpdateRequest b) {
            return strcmp (a.text, b.text);
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Inside our Gtk.TextView grammar checker, we can create 2 sets.

    public class GrammarChecker : Object {
        // Threading State
        private Thread<void> grammar_processor;
        private Gee.ConcurrentSet<GrammarUpdateRequest> send_to_processor;
        private Gee.ConcurrentSet<GrammarUpdateRequest> send_to_buffer;

        public GrammarChecker () {
            /* ... */
            send_to_processor = new Gee.ConcurrentSet<GrammarUpdateRequest> (GrammarUpdateRequest.compare_tag_requests);
            send_to_buffer = new Gee.ConcurrentSet<GrammarUpdateRequest> (GrammarUpdateRequest.compare_tag_requests);
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send_to_processor handles sending sentences to link-grammar. send_to_buffer handles updating the TextView.

Grabbing Sentences from the Buffer

Shout out to the minds behind TextBuffer and TextIter. We get forward_sentence_end and backward_sentence_start.

Given start and end TextIter's, we can find all the sentences to parse.

        private void run_worker_between_start_and_end (Gtk.TextIter start, Gtk.TextIter end) {
            // Okay, we lied. Try to make sure the start starts at the start of a sentence
            if (!start.starts_sentence ()) {
                start.backward_sentence_start ();

            // We move backward because forward could grab more lines
            if (!end.ends_sentence ()) {
                end.backward_sentence_start ();

            // Make sure we have something to grab
            if (end.get_offset () == start.get_offset ()) {

            // Remove previous grammar tags between scan area
            buffer.remove_tag (grammar_line, start, end);
            buffer.remove_tag (grammar_word, start, end);

            // Grab the first sentence and move the end iterator
            Gtk.TextIter check_end = start;
            grab_sentence (ref start, ref check_end);
            Gtk.TextIter check_start = start;

            // Where something not quite as magical happens...
            // loop over every sentence in range.
            while (check_start.in_range (start, end) &&
                    check_end.in_range (start, end) &&
                    (check_end.get_offset () != check_start.get_offset ())) 
                Gtk.TextIter cursor_iter;
                var cursor = buffer.get_insert ();
                buffer.get_iter_at_mark (out cursor_iter, cursor);

                // If the cursor is in the sentence, don't tell the user their possibly
                // incomplete sentence is grammatically incorrect. It's in progress, mmkay?
                if (!cursor_iter.in_range (check_start, check_end))
                    // Grab the sentence and prep for problem word tagging
                    string sentence = buffer.get_text (check_start, check_end, false).chug ().chomp ();
                    // Only run on full sentences
                    if (sentence != "" && sentence.index_of_char (' ') != -1) {
                        GrammarUpdateRequest request = new GrammarUpdateRequest () {
                            text = sentence
                        send_to_processor.add (request);

                // Move along to the next sentence (if possible)
                check_start = check_end;
                check_start.forward_char ();
                if (!check_end.forward_sentence_end ()) {
                grab_sentence (ref check_start, ref check_end);

            start_worker ();

        // Where the magic happens
        private void grab_sentence (ref Gtk.TextIter start, ref Gtk.TextIter end) {
            // Check if we're tagging markdown links and URLs
            var link_tag = buffer.tag_table.lookup ("markdown-link");
            var url_tag = buffer.tag_table.lookup ("markdown-url");

            // Gtk.TextIter determines .end_sentence () based on punctuation. ""
            // would cause "twirp" to be detected as the end of sentence. But, we're in a URL
            // So continue on down, and check for end_sentence not in a URL.
            if (link_tag != null && url_tag != null) {
                if (!end.ends_sentence () || ((link_tag != null && end.has_tag (link_tag)) || (url_tag != null && end.has_tag (url_tag)))) {
                    do {
                        Gtk.TextIter next_line = end.copy (), next_sentence = end.copy ();
                        if (next_line.forward_to_line_end () && next_sentence.forward_sentence_end () && next_line.get_offset () < next_sentence.get_offset ()) {
                            end.forward_to_line_end ();
                        if (!end.forward_sentence_end ()) {
                    } while ((end.has_tag (url_tag) || end.has_tag (link_tag)));
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This code runs over the buffer between the provided TextIter's to queue all sentences. grab_sentence does some additional magic. We have a Markdown Helper tagging links and other markdown2.

The Consumer Thread

Our start_worker code looks like:

        // Threading State
        private Thread<void> grammar_processor;
        private bool processor_running;
        private Mutex processor_check;

        // Check if worker queue is already running. If not,
        // starts the worker thread.
        private void start_worker () {
            processor_check.lock ();
            if (!processor_running) {
                if (grammar_processor != null) {
                    grammar_processor.join ();

                processor_running = true;
                grammar_processor = new Thread<void> ("grammar-processor", process_grammar);
                GLib.Idle.add (update_buffer);
            processor_check.unlock ();
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A Mutex is a lock. In this case, we're locking the processor_running boolean and making sure we only have one grammar-processor thread running.

The grammar processing code dequeues sentences from the queue, checks their grammar, and queues the suggestions.

        private void process_grammar () {
            while (send_to_processor.size != 0) {
                // Dequeue sentence to process
                GrammarUpdateRequest requested = send_to_processor.first ();
                send_to_processor.remove (requested);
                string sentence = strip_markdown (requested.text).chug ().chomp ();
                // Run grammar check and enqueue if issue found
                if (!checker.sentence_check (sentence, requested.words)) {
                    send_to_buffer.add (requested);

            // Terminate thread since there's no more work to do
            processor_running = false;
            Thread.exit (0);
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Highlighting Grammar Issues

In our start_worker code, we had a link GLib.Idle.add (update_buffer);. This will run our update_buffer code at a low priority.

        // Processes the queue to update the buffer if the sentence
        // still matches.
        private bool update_buffer () {
            Gtk.TextIter buffer_start, buffer_end, cursor_location;
            var cursor = buffer.get_insert ();
            buffer.get_iter_at_mark (out cursor_location, cursor);

            buffer.get_bounds (out buffer_start, out buffer_end);
            // Grab contents to find sentence to highlight
            string buffer_text = buffer.get_text (buffer_start, buffer_end, true);
            while (send_to_buffer.size != 0) {
                // Dequeue item
                GrammarUpdateRequest requested = send_to_buffer.first ();
                send_to_buffer.remove (requested);

                // Find the offset of the sentence to highlight
                int start_pos = buffer_text.index_of (requested.text);
                while (start_pos >= 0) {
                    // Use character count to handle emoji/unicode
                    int char_pos = buffer_text.char_count (start_pos);
                    int end_char_pos = char_pos + requested.text.char_count ();

                    // Check at the offset in the request
                    Gtk.TextIter check_start, check_end;
                    buffer.get_iter_at_offset (out check_start, char_pos);
                    buffer.get_iter_at_offset (out check_end, end_char_pos);
                    if (check_start.in_range (buffer_start, buffer_end) && 
                        check_end.in_range (buffer_start, buffer_end) && 
                        check_start.get_text (check_end).chug ().chomp () == requested.text)
                        tag_sentence (check_start, check_end, requested.words);
                    start_pos = buffer_text.index_of (requested.text, start_pos + 1);

            return processor_running;

        private void tag_sentence (Gtk.TextIter check_start, Gtk.TextIter check_end, Gee.List<string> problem_words) {
            // Skip markdown characters
            while (check_start.get_char () == ' ' || check_start.get_char () == '#' ||
                    check_start.get_char () == '-' || check_start.get_char () == '*' ||
                    check_start.get_char () == '>')
                if (!check_start.forward_char ()) {

            // Display error line
            buffer.apply_tag (grammar_line, check_start, check_end);
            Gtk.TextIter word_start = check_start.copy ();
            Gtk.TextIter word_end = check_start.copy ();

            // If we have words we can highlight, highlight them.
            // Sadly note: we do not highlight punctuation, we also highlight
            // multiple occurrences of a matchin word even though one instance
            // may be incorrect
            if (!problem_words.is_empty) {
                while (word_end.forward_word_end () && word_end.get_offset () <= check_end.get_offset ()) {
                    // Grab the word in the sentence and try to make it as basic as possible
                    string check_word = strip_markdown (word_start.get_text (word_end)).chug ().chomp ();
                    check_word = check_word.replace ("\"", "");

                    // Check if the word is in the list of problematic words
                    if (problem_words.contains (check_word) || // what's coding style?
                        problem_words.contains (check_word.down ()))
                        // Strip whitespace in iter
                        while (word_start.get_char () == ' ' || word_start.get_char () == '#' ||
                                word_start.get_char () == '>' || word_start.get_char () == '-')
                            if (!word_start.forward_char ())
                        buffer.apply_tag (grammar_word, word_start, word_end);
                    word_start = word_end;
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We can run this as part of our main loop because it's not resource intensive. The heavy lifting was done in the grammar checking thread. This code swipes its highlighter.

Attaching to a TextView

All of these operations are performed on a TextView. Now we can write our code to attach.

        private static GrammarThinking? checker;
        private static Mutex checker_init = Mutex ();

        public bool attach (Gtk.TextView textview) {
            view = textview;
            buffer = textview.get_buffer ();

            // Create text tags and define formatting
            grammar_line = buffer.create_tag ("grammar_check", "underline", Pango.Underline.ERROR, null);
            grammar_line.underline_rgba = Gdk.RGBA () { red = 0.0f, green = 0.40f, blue = 0.133f, alpha = 1.0f };

            grammar_word = buffer.create_tag ("grammar_word", "underline", Pango.Underline.ERROR, null);
            grammar_word.underline_rgba = Gdk.RGBA () { red = 0.0f, green = 0.40f, blue = 0.133f, alpha = 1.0f };
            grammar_word.background_rgba = Gdk.RGBA () { red = 0.0f, green = 0.40f, blue = 0.133f, alpha = 1.0f };
            grammar_word.foreground_rgba = Gdk.RGBA () { red = 0.9f, green = 0.9f, blue = 0.9f, alpha = 1.0f };
            grammar_word.background_set = true;
            grammar_word.foreground_set = true;

            // Create single instance of grammar checker
            if (checker == null) {
                checker_init.lock ();
                if (checker == null) {
                    checker = new GrammarThinking ();
                checker_init.unlock ();

            view.set_has_tooltip (true);
            view.query_tooltip.connect (handle_tooltip);

            last_cursor = -1; // reset to scan whole document on attach

            GLib.Idle.add (update_buffer);

            return true;

        public bool handle_tooltip (int x, int y, bool keyboard_tooltip, Gtk.Tooltip tooltip) {
            if (buffer == null) {
                return false;

            Gtk.TextIter? iter;

            // Determine if user requested a tooltip via mouse or keyboard
            if (keyboard_tooltip) {
                int offset = buffer.cursor_position;
                buffer.get_iter_at_offset (out iter, offset);
            } else {
                int m_x, m_y, trailing;
                view.window_to_buffer_coords (Gtk.TextWindowType.TEXT, x, y, out m_x, out m_y);
                view.get_iter_at_position (out iter, out trailing, m_x, m_y);

            if (iter != null) {
                if (iter.has_tag (grammar_line)) {
                    // Find the sentence the user is hovered over or in
                    Gtk.TextIter start = iter.copy (), end = iter.copy ();
                    bool no_foward = false;
                    while (start.has_tag (grammar_line)) {
                        if (!start.backward_char ()) {
                            no_foward = true;
                    if (!no_foward) {
                        start.forward_char ();
                    no_foward = false;
                    while (end.has_tag (grammar_line)) {
                        if (!end.forward_char ()) {
                            no_foward = true;
                    if (!no_foward) { // lol, variable reuse
                        end.backward_char ();
                    string suggestion = "";

                    // Run the checker over the sentence to and show raw suggestion output
                    if (!checker.sentence_check_suggestion (strip_markdown (buffer.get_text (start, end, false)), out suggestion) && suggestion != "") {
                        tooltip.set_markup (suggestion.replace ("&", "&amp;").replace ("<", "&lt;"). replace (">", "&gt;"));
                        return true; // Don't try to find other tooltips
            } else {
                return false; // I got nothing for you, see if someone else has a tooltip

            return false;
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This code handles attaching to the text view and also defines a tool-tip for showing the issues.

Checking the buffer

We're almost done with our Gtk.TextView grammar checking enrichment. We need to provide a way to scan the buffer.

        // Timer between when checks can run
        private TimedMutex limit_updates;
        // Mutex to prevent multiple scans at same time
        private Mutex checking;

        public void recheck_all () {
            // Limit how frequently grammar checking can run
            if (!limit_updates.can_do_action ()) {

            // Check if grammar checking is already running
            if (!checking.trylock ()) {

            Gtk.TextIter t_start, t_end;
            buffer.get_bounds (out t_start, out t_end);
            run_worker_between_start_and_end (t_start, t_end);
            // Release lock
            checking.unlock ();
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This code does some rate limiting for updates. If we've checked too recently, we skip. If grammar checking is already running, we bail.

Our TimedMutex looks something like:

    public class TimedMutex {
        private bool can_action;
        private Mutex droptex;
        private int delay;

         * Constructs a TimedMutex object, defaults to 1.5 seconds
         * @param milliseconds_delay Amount of time to hold lock before releasing
        public TimedMutex (int milliseconds_delay = 1500) {
            if (milliseconds_delay < 100) {
                milliseconds_delay = 100;

            delay = milliseconds_delay;
            can_action = true;
            droptex = Mutex ();

         * Returns true if enough time has ellapsed since the last call.
         * Returns false if action should not be taken.
        public bool can_do_action () {
            bool res = false;

            if (droptex.trylock()) {
                if (can_action) {
                    res = true;
                    can_action = false;
                Timeout.add (delay, clear_action);
                droptex.unlock ();
            return res;

        private bool clear_action () {
            droptex.lock ();
            can_action = true;
            droptex.unlock ();
            return false;
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This Mutex will remain locked for 1.5 seconds by default. After 1.5 seconds, the lock is released.

Now we have a grammar checker and a Gtk.TextView add-on. Let's put it all together.

Putting it all Together

All this code, and we haven't even created a TextView yet. For this example, we're using GtkSourceView5 as our TextView. This will provide Markdown syntax highlighting.

    public class GrammarCheck : Gtk.Application {
        private GtkSource.View source_view;
        private GtkSource.Buffer source_buffer;
        private Markdown markdown_enrichment;
        private GrammarChecker grammar_enrichment;

        protected override void activate () {
            // Grab application Window
            var window = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow (this);
            window.set_title ("GrammarChecker");
            window.set_default_size (600, 320);

            // Scroll view to hold contents
            var scroll_box = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow ();
            // Get a pointer to the Markdown Language
            var manager = GtkSource.LanguageManager.get_default ();
            var language = manager.guess_language (null, "text/markdown");

            // Create a GtkSourceView and create a markdown buffer
            source_view = new GtkSource.View ();
            source_buffer = new GtkSource.Buffer.with_language (language);
            source_buffer.highlight_syntax = true;
            source_view.set_buffer (source_buffer);
            source_view.set_wrap_mode (Gtk.WrapMode.WORD);
            // Set placeholder text
            source_buffer.text = "# Hello DEV!\n\nYou can type away.\n";
            // Add the GtkSourceView to the Scroll Box
            scroll_box.set_child (source_view);

            // Attack grammar checker
            grammar_enrichment = new GrammarChecker ();
            grammar_enrichment.attach (source_view);

            // Run grammar checking 1/4 of a second after application start
            Timeout.add (250, () => {
                grammar_enrichment.recheck_all ();
                return false;

            // Sign up for buffer updates
            source_buffer.changed.connect (() => {
                grammar_enrichment.recheck_all ();

            window_removed.connect (() => {
                grammar_enrichment.detach ();

            // Populate the Window
            window.child = scroll_box;
            window.present ();

        public static int main (string[] args) {
            return new GrammarCheck ().run (args);
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Grammar Checking in GTK4 and GtkSourceView5

This code creates our TextView, attaches our grammar checker, and runs the grammar checker when the buffer changes.

The full code can be found at


We may have abandoned the word processor, but we don't have to abandon our humanity3.

The code in the repo does some additional magic. We keep track of the cursor location. Grammar checking is done around the active cursor location and the 'last known' cursor location.

  1. I'm bad at writing tutorials 

  2. Next time we'll go over some of what this class does. 

  3. Not that grammar makes us human... This is a joke... 

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