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A Software Developer’s Guide to Writing

Ankur Tyagi on January 09, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Writing in Tech For a Developer I started writing because I wanted to share my experiences with tech and needed to...
bretbernhoft profile image
Bret Bernhoft

I enjoy blogging, as it offers me an opportunity to experiment with content ideas, and to receive feedback from any audience that might form around said media. So this article is a welcomed sight. Thank you for posting this information.

orix profile image
Waleedh Nihal


tyaga001 profile image
Ankur Tyagi

@bretbernhoft You're welcome! I'm glad that my writing was able to provide value for you. Sharing my knowledge and experiences with others is something that I truly enjoy.

dastasoft profile image

As a person who started writing not so long ago I totally agree with what you are saying here.

For me at least the hardest part of all this might be that visibility/content marketing in the form of short tweets, it's something I need to try but I know it's my weakest point right now.

tyaga001 profile image
Ankur Tyagi

@dastasoft Thank you, I appreciate your feedback.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Great resource thanks for sharing with the community.

tyaga001 profile image
Ankur Tyagi

Thank you so much for the kind words @andrewbaisden

tonylisanti profile image
Tony Lisanti

Thanks for the insightful article. You mention to not set up a personal blog. Can you please explain why?

aowendev profile image
Andrew Owen


Having been paid to write for over three decades, I'd argue that the best way to get better is by doing it. If you're a developer, then you should find it easy to set up a free personal website with a blog using static site generators, headless CMS and serverless hosting (I've got a blog post on how to do that). But instead of that, you could just start posting here on

I wouldn't be overly concerned about building a following. Write what you want to write about and if it's any good, it will find an audience. If you're running your own site, do set up analytics so that you can see what works and what doesn't.

The easiest way to promote a blog is to share it on socials when you have a new post. Use four well-chosen hashtags and a short description of the content. And never be afraid to shamelessly promote your own content (

tyaga001 profile image
Ankur Tyagi

@tonylisanti -: IHMO, why a new writer shouldn't set up a personal blog when starting writing:

  1. - It can be time-consuming and costly to maintain a blog.
  2. - It can be difficult to build a following for your personal blog.
  3. - They'll need to invest time and effort into promoting their blog.

For example, in my DM someone sent me this on Twitter last year.
Image description

But once you are able to get some good posts and views, start moving towards your own place instead of a rental place but keep them both. As it's a win-win for everyone. Just like this post, originally posted on my website but I always cross-post on DevTO.

Owner of blog space >> Rental space!

Hope this helps.

nikitababko profile image
Nikita Babko

Awesome. Very informative 👍

tyaga001 profile image
Ankur Tyagi

@nikitababko Thank you very much 🙌

connectwithajayy profile image
Ajay Gupta

Thanks, Actually a good blog, and felt a new perspective to grow.

tyaga001 profile image
Ankur Tyagi

Thank you very much, I appreciate your feedback.

muhammadiqbalid83 profile image
Muhammad Iqbal

thanks for information

fruntend profile image
fruntend • Edited

Сongratulations 🥳! Your article hit the top posts for the week -
Keep it up 👍

sylent3524 profile image

Coincidentally I just finished my first university lecture on technical writing. This post is very welcoming to the subject!

bomaaaa profile image

Thank you very much for sharing!

nikki_eke profile image
Nikki Eke

This is such a resourceful article. I learnt some things I'm going to start implementing right away. Thank you for sharing!

tyaga001 profile image
Ankur Tyagi

@nikki_eke Thank you very much, I appreciate your feedback.

winsay profile image

Outstanding work

tyaga001 profile image
Ankur Tyagi

@wasava Thank you very much, I appreciate your feedback.