Updated zipd.txt; it now feeds "foo" to ZIP; going to debug the "not found" path.
:��>2�1 ?
inner 0057 outer
inner 0BEA type
inner 0075 inline
inner 08EA aspace
inner 0BB3 token
inner 088F qsearch
inner 0976 context
inner 08C5 at
inner 08C5 at
inner 0B2E search
inner 0A31 dup
inner 0758 p_if
inner 0A71 mode
inner 0927 cat
inner 0758 p_if
inner 0031 semi
inner 0758 p_if
inner 085A qnumber
inner 0A7A number
inner 0758 p_if
inner 080A one
inner 0031 semi
inner 0743 p_end
inner 0AEA question
inner 0057 outer
inner 0BEA type
inner 0075 inline
It gets to QUESTION ok, so the problem is probably in there.
In QUESTION, the address of the unrecognized token is passed to TYPE, but TYPE expects the address on the stack: (It may be that the the _type label should be one instruction farther down (past the POP HL), but I decided that a consistent API was preferable.
dec hl ; back-up to token length
jp _type ; go echo unknown token
dec hl ; back-up to token length
push hl ; XXX Fix added by CAC; type expects the address on the stack.
jp _type ; go echo unknown token
Next up: get “.” implemented.
DP . ��
inner 07E8 dot
inner 083A sharpbegin
inner 08FC abs
inner 06B8 sharps
inner 0695 sharp
inner 07FC zero
inner 0932 base
inner 0966 cat
inner 09EC ddmod
inner 0913 ascii
inner 0BDC swap
inner 0031 semi
inner 0A70 dup
inner 080A zeq
inner 0743 p_end
inner 0695 sharp
inner 07FC zero
inner 0932 base
inner 0966 cat
inner 09EC ddmod
inner 0913 ascii
inner 0BDC swap
inner 0031 semi
inner 0A70 dup
inner 080A zeq
inner 0743 p_end
inner 0695 sharp
. . .
It keeps looping in #S (sharps)
Looking at the ABS
08fe d1 pop de ; get number
CPU: C0Z0S0V0H0N0 A =08 BC =07EE DE =00FA HL =08FE S =0331 P =08FE POP DE
00FA is correct (the address of DP).
‘zero’ pushes a zero on the stack.
‘base cat’ pushes 16 on the stack.
09ef e1 pop hl ; get 8 bit divisor
CPU: C0Z1S0V0H0N1 A =09 BC =0000 DE =0006 HL =0010 S =032D P =09EF POP HL
Divisor is 16; correct
09f0 d1 pop de ; 8 most significant
CPU: C0Z1S0V0H0N1 A =09 BC =0000 DE =0000 HL =0010 S =032F P =09F0 POP DE
09f1 c1 pop bc ; get 16 least
CPU: C0Z1S0V0H0N1 A =09 BC =00FA DE =0000 HL =0010 S =0331 P =09F1 POP BC
dividend is 0000FA; correct
09f2 7c ld a,h ; divisor sign
CPU: C0Z1S0V0H0N1 A =00 BC =00FA DE =0000 HL =0010 S =0331 P =09F2 LD A,H
09f3 aa xor d ; result sign
CPU: C0Z1S0V1H0N0 A =00 BC =00FA DE =0000 HL =0010 S =0331 P =09F3 XOR D
09f4 08 ex af,af' ; save sign flag
CPU: C0Z0S0V0H1N0 A =02 BC =00FA DE =0000 HL =0010 S =0331 P =09F4 EX AF,AF'
A'=00 BC'=069F DE'=09EE HL'=09EE IX=0528 IY=003D
Sign flag is 0; correct
09f5 7d ld a,l ; get dividend sign
CPU: C0Z0S0V0H1N0 A =10 BC =00FA DE =0000 HL =0010 S =0331 P =09F5 LD A,L
09f6 a7 and a ; test sign
CPU: C0Z0S0V0H1N0 A =10 BC =00FA DE =0000 HL =0010 S =0331 P =09F6 AND A
09f7 f2 fc 09 jp p,mov1 ; if +, its ok
CPU: C0Z0S0V0H1N0 A =10 BC =00FA DE =0000 HL =0010 S =0331 P =09F7 JP P,09FCh
Dividend is positive; correct.
09fc 57 mov1: ld d,a ; store divisor
CPU: C0Z0S0V0H1N0 A =10 BC =00FA DE =1000 HL =0010 S =0331 P =09FC LD D,A
09fd 60 ld h,b ; get 16 least
CPU: C0Z0S0V0H1N0 A =10 BC =00FA DE =1000 HL =0010 S =0331 P =09FD LD H,B
09fe 69 ld l,c ; to hl
CPU: C0Z0S0V0H1N0 A =10 BC =00FA DE =1000 HL =00FA S =0331 P =09FE LD L,C
HL is 00FA; correct.
09ff 7b ld a,e ; get 8 most
CPU: C0Z0S0V0H1N0 A =00 BC =00FA DE =1000 HL =00FA S =0331 P =09FF LD A,E
0a00 a7 and a ; test sign
CPU: C0Z1S0V1H1N0 A =00 BC =00FA DE =1000 HL =00FA S =0331 P =0A00 AND A
0a01 f2 0e 0a jp p,mov2 ; if +. its ok
CPU: C0Z1S0V1H1N0 A =00 BC =00FA DE =1000 HL =00FA S =0331 P =0A01 JP P,0A0Eh
Dividend is positive; correct.
0a0e 57 mov2: ld d,a ; move high 8
CPU: C0Z1S0V1H1N0 A =00 BC =00FA DE =0000 HL =00FA S =0331 P =0A0E LD D,A
0a0f cd 0e 07 call pudd ; divide 24X8
CPU: C0Z1S0V1H1N0 A =00 BC =00FA DE =0000 HL =00FA S =032F P =0A0F CALL 070Eh
070e 06 10 pudd: ld b, 16 ; divide count 16
CPU: C0Z1S0V1H1N0 A =00 BC =10FA DE =0000 HL =00FA S =032F P =070E LD B,10h
0710 29 dloop1: add hl,hl ; shift low 16
CPU: C0Z1S0V1H0N0 A =00 BC =10FA DE =0000 HL =01F4 S =032F P =0710 ADD HL,HL
HL is 01F4 (00FA + 00FA); correct.
0711 7a ld a,d ; get high 8
CPU: C0Z1S0V1H0N0 A =00 BC =10FA DE =0000 HL =01F4 S =032F P =0711 LD A,D
0712 8a adc a,d ; shift high 8
CPU: C0Z1S0V0H0N0 A =00 BC =10FA DE =0000 HL =01F4 S =032F P =0712 ADC A,D
A is 0 (0 + 0); correct.
0713 57 ld d,a ; restore high
CPU: C0Z1S0V0H0N0 A =00 BC =10FA DE =0000 HL =01F4 S =032F P =0713 LD D,A
0714 93 sub e ; subtract divisor
CPU: C0Z1S0V0H0N1 A =00 BC =10FA DE =0000 HL =01F4 S =032F P =0714 SUB E
0715 fa 1a 07 jp m,skip1 ; too much, it;s ok
CPU: C0Z1S0V0H0N1 A =00 BC =10FA DE =0000 HL =01F4 S =032F P =0715 JP M,071Ah
0718 2c inc l ; set result low bit = 1
CPU: C0Z0S1V0H0N0 A =00 BC =10FA DE =0000 HL =01F5 S =032F P =0718 INC L
0719 57 ld d,a ; decrease dividend
CPU: C0Z0S1V0H0N0 A =00 BC =10FA DE =0000 HL =01F5 S =032F P =0719 LD D,A
071a 10 f4 skip1: djnz dloop1 ; loop 16 times
CPU: C0Z0S1V0H0N0 A =00 BC =0FFA DE =0000 HL =01F5 S =032F P =071A DJNZ 0710h
. . .
071a 10 f4 skip1: djnz dloop1 ; loop 16 times
CPU: C0Z0S1V0H0N1 A =FA BC =00FA DE =FA00 HL =FFFE S =032F P =071A DJNZ 0710h
071c 4a ld c,d ; remainder to C
CPU: C0Z0S1V0H0N1 A =FA BC =00FA DE =FA00 HL =FFFE S =032F P =071C LD C,D
071d c9 ret ; quotient in HL
CPU: C0Z0S1V0H0N1 A =FA BC =00FA DE =FA00 HL =FFFE S =0331 P =071D RET
A'=00 BC'=069F DE'=09EE HL'=09EE IX=0528 IY=003D
0000FA / 10 => quotient F, remainder A
Wrong; code returned quotient FFFE, remainder FA.
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