DEV Community

Uriel Bitton
Uriel Bitton

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Why developers & testers don't fully test their software

I've learned that developers/testers at some unconscious level don't stress test their product as much as the end users.

Passing integration and end to end tests are great but the real test is having the end users test it. They will take a hammer and screwdriver too their software. If it holds after their assault, that's a real testament to good code.

What's a good method for assuring your code is solid and well tested?

I'm glad you asked, here are the best things you can do:

  • TDD, use test driven development, it may seem counterintuitive or strange at first but once you get used to it it works really nicely
  • Use Typescript, this will make your code very maintainable and type checking will work wonders for your development team
  • in addition to performing integration tests, perform UAT tests and iterate over client feedback

UAT (user acceptance tests) will really bring to light, issues with the UX or UI, from a different perspective, but most importantly it helps your end clients decide for themselves if the product meets their business needs.

From a business perspective, it's about giving them that power and the satisfaction that you created an application that meets their every needs!

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