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SAS Function isBrHoliday

A useful function to test if a date is a Brazilian national holiday. With the necessary adaptations, it can be used for other countries, applying their respective holidays. The function uses proc fcmp to work with executions in a different way than the construction of macros, for this purpose the created functions are stored in a specific library in the outlib parameter.

proc fcmp outlib=work.sas_functions.dateFunctions;

     * FUNCTION:isBrHoliday
     * AUTHOR: Dutra -
     * DESCRIPTION: Tests a date to validate if it is a 
Brazilian national holiday, returning 0 or 1.
    function isBrHoliday(date);
        year                = year(date);
        anonovo             = mdy(01,01,year);
        tiradentes          = mdy(04,21,year);
        diaTrabalho         = mdy(05,01,year);
        independencia       = mdy(09,07,year);
        nsraAparecida       = mdy(10,12,year);
        finados             = mdy(11,02,year);
        republica           = mdy(11,15,year);
        natal               = mdy(12,25,year);
        pascoa              = holiday('easter', year);
        segCarnaval         = pascoa - 48;
        terCarnaval         = pascoa - 47;
        sextaPaixao         = pascoa - 2;
        corpusChristi       = pascoa + 60;

        if date in (anonovo, segCarnaval, terCarnaval,
 sextaPaixao, pascoa, corpusChristi, tiradentes, diaTrabalho,
 independencia, nsraAparecida, finados, republica, natal
               ) then


options cmplib=work.sas_functions; 
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To use the function just call passing the date parameter. As in the following example:

Function test, defining the date and passing it as a parameter of
the isHoliday function
%let date=%sysfunc(mdy(12,25,2023));

%let isHoliday=%sysfunc(isBrHoliday(&date.));

%put Date=&date. - isHoliday=&isHoliday.;
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I hope it can help with your projects. I will also make new posts available about other functions that I use to handle dates.

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