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Data Types in JavaScript

Null in JavaScript represents the intentional absence of any object value. It is often used to signify that a variable, which may have been assigned an object value earlier, now explicitly has no value. For example, a variable representing an optional property that hasn't been set can be assigned the value null.

Undefined is a primitive data type in JavaScript that denotes a variable that has been declared but has not yet been assigned any value. It can also be the default return value of a function that doesn't explicitly return anything. Handling undefined variables carefully is crucial to avoid unexpected behavior in your code.

Booleans are a fundamental data type representing true or false values. They are essential for control flow in JavaScript, playing a crucial role in conditional statements and logical operations. Understanding how to work with Booleans is fundamental for writing effective decision-making code.

Strings in JavaScript are sequences of characters and are used to represent text. Whether it's a single word or an entire paragraph, strings are essential for handling textual data. JavaScript provides a rich set of methods for manipulating and working with strings, making them a versatile and powerful data type.

The Number data type in JavaScript covers both integers and floating-point numbers. It is fundamental for performing mathematical operations and representing numerical values in a program. JavaScript's loose typing system allows for flexible usage of numbers but requires caution to avoid unexpected results in certain scenarios.

Introduced in ECMAScript 2020, BigInt is a data type in JavaScript that allows representation of integers beyond the limits of the Number type. BigInts are useful for scenarios where extremely large integers, such as those involved in cryptographic operations or handling large datasets, need precise representation without loss of precision.

Symbols are a unique and immutable data type in JavaScript, introduced to create identifiers that are guaranteed to be unique. They are often used as property keys in objects, ensuring that there are no naming conflicts. Symbols add a layer of security and predictability to code, particularly in larger applications and libraries.

Objects are complex data types in JavaScript that allow the organization of data in key-value pairs. They serve as a fundamental building block for structuring and storing information, facilitating the creation of more intricate data structures. Objects are employed to model real-world entities and are pivotal in JavaScript's object-oriented programming paradigm.

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