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Discussion on: Productivity Tips From Developers to Developers

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Victor A. Barzana

Well said bud!

  • Also, if you REUSE please consider the maintainability "last commit date :)" of the project you are reusing and who is taking care of it. Number of stars, downloads, etc... Compare to other products similar.
  • Listen to others, but formulate your own point of view.
  • Always review your commits before you send them, you will be amazed by how many bugs you will catch of yourself before getting into someone elses eyes, you better waste 10 minutes of your time than 1 man hours of multiple colleagues.
  • Don't obfuscate/minify your code early on, leave that job to compilers, minifiers, bundlers.
  • Write readable code, do not comment it out if the code is self explanatory. That's the reason why you use clear variable/method names.
  • Read a lot of articles every day so you find great posts like this!
  • Communicate, ask dumb questions to your colleagues, it doesn't matter, this shouldn't be a problem.
  • Make a todo list of all concepts you don't understand and ask someone to explain it to you with their words, usually this works better than watching a bunch of youtube videos or taking an online course. Instead, focus in what you love, you don't have to know everything, but sometimes you need to just get quick answers, this is the way!
  • Code when you are less tired, your productivity will increase 90% and you will see the results.

Have a wonderful way up to the top, you are already on the right track!

Cheers, peace and love!

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