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Build a Modal (Pop up) With HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Veed - The Hood Developer on August 21, 2021

In this article I will show you how to create a modal that pops up whenever you click a button. The main focus of the article will not be on the CS...
genakalinovskiy profile image
Gena Kainovskiy • Edited

Good, what do you think about improving your example and to add a11y supporting?

veedjohnson profile image
Veed - The Hood Developer • Edited

Thank you sir. I'll work on including that and update on the codepen 😊

bushbass profile image
Alex Nielsen

Thank you for the great demo. Is the overlay just there so you can close the modal by clicking outstide the modal or does it serve some other purpose?

veedjohnson profile image
Veed - The Hood Developer

You're welcome Alex. Asides that, the overlay also makes the modal more visible. If there were many content on the page, the overlay will blur out other contents making the whole focus on the modal itself

bushbass profile image
Alex Nielsen

yes, that makes sense. thanks again

aatmaj profile image

That is just super!

veedjohnson profile image
Veed - The Hood Developer

Thank you

ashleyjsheridan profile image
Ashley Sheridan

This has a few accessibility concerns:

  • Keyboard navigation, can't be dismissed by hitting the escape key
  • Focus isn't moved to the modal when it's opened
  • Focus isn't trapped in the modal, so anyone can tab out to the content beneath
  • Focus isn't returned to the button that triggered it, so keyboard users would be left lost once the modal is dismissed
  • Could benefit from some focus styles on the form elements to give feedback to the user where they're at
wommy profile image
Tommy Williams

why didn't you use html's dialog tag

veedjohnson profile image
Veed - The Hood Developer

The dialog tag isn't supported on browsers like Safari. You need to lookout for that 👍🏾

megasanjay profile image
Sanjay Soundarajan

Nice work. Adding some transtitions in so that the modal appearance wouldn't be as abrupt could be a nice touch.

veedjohnson profile image
Veed - The Hood Developer

Thank you nice idea Sanjay 👍🏾

veedjohnson profile image
Veed - The Hood Developer

Thank you

vishuss7 profile image

What is a modal?

meo3w profile image
Phil Hasenkamp

Well done!

tranduythoai14 profile image

thank you, great post

veedjohnson profile image
Veed - The Hood Developer

Thanks I appreciate 👍🏾

mfatihgul profile image
Muhammet Fatih Gul

Thanks. Works great!