DEV Community

Current options to deploy a Serverless blog

Veer Abheek Singh on March 31, 2019

Original Post: I love technology and learn whenever I can, on the job or not. We...
annaspies profile image

We're looking at using Gatsby + either Netlify for ease of deployment or S3 to save costs (+ CloudFront to speed things up). Still toying with having Wordpress as the CMS, but undecided on that front.

Gatsby even has a handy blog starter repo on github.

emaildano profile image
Daniel Olson

We released a new workflow example for hosting WP on Shifter with Gaysby. WP starts and stops as needed, it's serverless, builds happen on GitHub Actions and everything deploys to Netlify.

This might be an option for you. 👍🏼

emaildano profile image
Daniel Olson

Nice post! Thanks for mentioning us. I work on Shifter so the feedback is helpful.

Re: this comment

This kind of tears me down since it limits the basic capabilities of the blog such as commenting, etc.

There are a few of alternatives for native WP comments and I think there could be a lot more we haven't tried yet. e.g. Disqus is the most popular and easiest but comes with some concerns. Some users roll their own based on an example I offered in this post:

I don't know if you're an avid user but I image the comment system here could be used as a drop in replacement for WordPress comments. That would be cool! I did a search but haven't found anyone doing this yet.

Thanks again!