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Viraj Lakshitha Bandara
Viraj Lakshitha Bandara

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Managing Multiple React Apps with the Power of npm Workspaces


Managing Multiple React Apps with the Power of npm Workspaces

In today's fast-paced world of front-end development, managing multiple React applications can quickly become complex and cumbersome. Each application might have its own set of dependencies, build processes, and versioning, leading to inconsistencies and headaches for developers. This is where the concept of a monorepo, coupled with the power of npm workspaces, comes to the rescue.

Understanding the Monorepo Advantage

A monorepo, as the name suggests, is a single repository that houses multiple projects or applications. While this might seem counterintuitive at first, managing all your related code in one place offers several significant advantages:

  • Code Reusability: Easily share components, utilities, and even UI themes across different applications, promoting consistency and reducing redundant code.
  • Simplified Dependency Management: Install, update, and track dependencies for all your applications from a central location, preventing version conflicts and streamlining the development process.
  • Atomic Changes and Refactoring: Make changes that affect multiple applications simultaneously, ensuring consistency and simplifying large-scale refactoring efforts.
  • Improved Collaboration: Foster better communication and knowledge sharing among developers working on different parts of the codebase.

npm workspaces: Your Monorepo Command Center

npm, the de facto package manager for JavaScript, offers a powerful feature called "workspaces" designed specifically for managing monorepos. npm workspaces allow you to manage dependencies, run scripts, and publish packages for multiple applications within a single repository.

Setting Up Your React Monorepo with npm Workspaces

Let's dive into setting up a simple monorepo for managing two React applications: "dashboard" and "landing-page".

  1. Initialize your monorepo:
   mkdir my-react-monorepo
   cd my-react-monorepo
   npm init -y
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  1. Enable npm workspaces:

Open your package.json file and add the following:

     "name": "my-react-monorepo",
     "version": "1.0.0",
     "private": true, 
     "workspaces": [
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This configuration tells npm that all directories within the "packages" folder are treated as separate workspaces.

  1. Create your React Applications:
   mkdir packages/dashboard
   mkdir packages/landing-page
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  1. Initialize React Projects:
   cd packages/dashboard
   npx create-react-app .
   cd ../landing-page
   npx create-react-app . 
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  1. Install Shared Dependencies:

At the root of your monorepo, install shared dependencies using the -W or --workspaces flag:

   npm install react-router-dom axios -W
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This command installs the specified packages as dependencies for both the "dashboard" and "landing-page" applications.

Leveraging the Power of Shared Code

One of the key advantages of a monorepo is code reusability. Let's create a simple shared component:

  1. Create a "shared" workspace:
   mkdir packages/shared
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  1. Create a Button Component:

Within packages/shared, create a file named Button.js:

   // packages/shared/Button.js
   import React from 'react';

   const Button = ({ children, onClick }) => {
     return (
       <button onClick={onClick}>

   export default Button;
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  1. Use the Shared Component:

Now, import and use the Button component in both your "dashboard" and "landing-page" applications.

   // packages/dashboard/src/App.js
   import Button from 'shared/Button';

   function App() {
     return (
         <Button onClick={() => console.log('Clicked!')}>Dashboard Button</Button>

   export default App;
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5 Use Cases for React Monorepos with npm Workspaces

  1. Design System and Component Library: Develop and maintain a centralized design system containing reusable components, styles, and guidelines, ensuring consistency across all your applications.
  2. Micro-frontend Architecture: Break down a large application into smaller, independent micro-frontends, each managed as a separate workspace within the monorepo, allowing for independent development and deployment cycles.
  3. Multi-platform Development: Develop applications targeting different platforms like web, mobile (React Native), and even desktop (Electron) within the same monorepo, sharing code and logic where applicable.
  4. Internal Tooling and Scripts: Create a dedicated workspace for internal tools, scripts, and utilities, making them easily accessible and maintainable alongside your main applications.
  5. Versioned API Clients: Maintain separate workspaces for different versions of your API clients, ensuring compatibility with various applications and allowing for smoother upgrades.

Exploring Alternatives: Other Monorepo Tools

While npm workspaces offer a straightforward solution for managing React monorepos, other popular tools provide additional features and flexibility:

  • Yarn Workspaces: Similar to npm workspaces, Yarn workspaces offer enhanced performance and features like dependency hoisting for optimized installations.
  • Lerna: A powerful tool explicitly designed for managing JavaScript monorepos, offering advanced features like independent package publishing and sophisticated version management.
  • Nx: A powerful and extensible build system that goes beyond package management, offering advanced code generation, caching, and task orchestration for complex monorepo setups.

Each tool has its strengths and weaknesses, so choosing the right one depends on the specific needs and complexity of your project.


Adopting a monorepo structure using npm workspaces offers significant benefits for managing multiple React applications. It promotes code reusability, simplifies dependency management, and fosters better collaboration among developers. By carefully considering the use cases and weighing the pros and cons of different tools, you can streamline your development process and build scalable and maintainable React applications.

Advanced Use Case: Building a Micro-frontend Ecosystem with React, npm Workspaces, and AWS

Now, let's step into the shoes of a software architect and envision a more advanced use case: building a micro-frontend architecture for a large-scale e-commerce platform.

The Challenge:

Imagine an e-commerce platform with distinct sections like product listings, shopping cart, user authentication, and order history. Each section demands independent development, deployment, and scaling, making a monolithic architecture cumbersome and inefficient.

The Solution: A Micro-frontend Approach

By leveraging React, npm workspaces, and AWS, we can architect a robust and scalable micro-frontend solution:

  1. Monorepo Structure:

We'll utilize npm workspaces to manage our micro-frontends as separate workspaces within a single repository:

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  1. Independent Development and Deployment:

Each micro-frontend will have its own development process, allowing teams to work independently and deploy updates without affecting other parts of the platform. We can use AWS Amplify or AWS Elastic Beanstalk for streamlined deployment pipelines.

  1. Shared UI Library:

The shared-ui workspace will house reusable React components, styles, and design system guidelines, ensuring a consistent look and feel across all micro-frontends.

  1. API Gateway for Communication:

Amazon API Gateway will act as a central entry point for communication between micro-frontends and backend services. Each micro-frontend can have dedicated API routes and endpoints, promoting loose coupling and independent development.

  1. Serverless Architecture for Scalability:

Leverage AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate to build scalable and cost-effective backend services. Each micro-frontend can interact with its dedicated set of serverless functions, allowing for independent scaling based on traffic demands.

  1. Centralized State Management (Optional):

For shared state management between micro-frontends, consider using solutions like Redux or MobX, or explore a federated state management approach to keep each micro-frontend as self-contained as possible.

Advantages of this Architecture:

  • Independent Deployments and Scalability: Teams can work and deploy updates to specific features without impacting other parts of the platform.
  • Technology Agnosticism: While we're using React here, each micro-frontend could theoretically utilize different technologies, allowing for flexibility and experimentation.
  • Improved Fault Tolerance: If one micro-frontend encounters issues, it won't bring down the entire platform.


This advanced example demonstrates the power and flexibility of combining React, npm workspaces, and AWS services to build complex and scalable micro-frontend architectures. By embracing these technologies and architectural patterns, we can create resilient, maintainable, and highly performant web applications that meet the demands of modern users.

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