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Varun Palaniappan
Varun Palaniappan

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Evolution of Software Development: Summary

In this conversation, Krish discusses the evolution of software development over the past two decades. He covers various topics such as technology changes, work styles, shorter attention spans, the developer vs engineer mindset, and the importance of passion and commitment in one's career. Krish emphasizes the need for adaptability and embracing change in the software development industry.


  • Technology in software development is constantly evolving, particularly in front-end development.
  • Work styles have changed, with remote work becoming more prevalent and flexible working hours.
  • Shorter attention spans have become a challenge in design discussions and meetings.
  • Developers need to adopt an engineering mindset and approach problems with fresh perspectives.
  • Passion and commitment are crucial for long-term career fulfillment in software development.


00:00 Introduction

01:33 Technology Changes

05:19 Shorter Attention Spans

06:20 Developer vs Engineer Mindset

08:30 Passion and Commitment

10:10 Summary



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