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Vincent Tsen
Vincent Tsen

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

How to Organize Android Package / Folder Structure?

Of course, this is very personal. There is no right or wrong how you would like to organize your Android source code.

I prefer to organize my source code based on recommended Android app architecture, which is also known as MVVM architecture.


Image source: MindOrks

This is what my package/folder structure looks like in Java root folder.

Package / Folder Name Description
ui UI controller such as activity and fragment
viewmodel Data for the UI
repository Modules that handle data operation
local Room database - SQlite
remote Remote data source - Retrofit

This works for a small app, which is exactly what I’m doing now. However, I imagine if your app is huge and contributed by many developers, you may want to break it down into different modules/features instead.

└─── ui
└─── viewmodel
└─── repository
└─── local
└─── remote
└─── ui
└─── viewmodel
└─── repository
└─── local
└─── remote
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This allows your modules to be exported or shared as generic libraries easily in the future. Since my app is small, I'm good with what I'm doing now.

[Updated - July 02, 2022]: Given that I now have a bit of experience. This is my current package naming convention based on the latest app architecture guide.

root package
└─── data
     └─── local
     └─── mapper
     └─── remote
     └─── repository
└─── domain
     └─── model
     └─── repository
└─── ui
     └─── screens
     └─── theme
     └─── viewmodel
└─── utils
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  • mapper contains extension functions to convert data to and from different layers.

For app reference, you can refer here.

Originally published at

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