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🚀 Most Useful React Hooks for Your Next Project 🚀

Vishal Yadav on August 26, 2024

React hooks have revolutionized how we write components in React, making our code more readable, maintainable, and functional. Whether you're a sea...
manvendrask profile image
Manvendra Singh

It is not a blog and doesn't bring anything new to the table.

vyan profile image
Vishal Yadav

It is for those who don't know , if you know that's good

prakirth profile image
Prakirth Govardhanam

I understand that this might be redundant for seniors/experts but it really helps early-stage developers like me to revise what they have been learning.
Thank you for the revision @vyan ! Also adding snippets on latest hooks such as useQuery would be a good update.

vyan profile image
Vishal Yadav

Yeah Sure

sjiamnocna profile image
Šimon Janča

Nothing new. Post bout useQuery with server actions would be more helpful.

vyan profile image
Vishal Yadav

I will

r8928 profile image
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jayantbh profile image
Jayant Bhawal

Uh... I don't know about most useful. Or even being useful for early stage devs since these are basically the fundamental hooks one needs to know about when learning react.

But I could offer an addition to the list perhaps.

I find useState and using two variables to get and set state to be a bit cumbersome, and the moment I need to do more it's... well, more code.

useEasyState in this blog post is kinda cool. (Disclaimer: I'm associated with the team that made this)

rmcdeveloper profile image
Ronaldo Correa

Half of these.hooks will vanish soon with React 19..Thank God! Like useMemo and useCallback and useEffect! These three hooks are so stupid.

suraj__ profile image


oyhqstar profile image

Nothing new

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