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WAHA -Self-Hosted WhatsApp API
WAHA -Self-Hosted WhatsApp API

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How to send a message to WhatsApp Channel via API

WAHA, Free Self-Hosted WhatsApp API, supports WhatsApp Channels, a brand-new feature introduced by WhatsApp.

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It is a one-way broadcast tool that allows administrators to send various content types such as text, photos, videos, and polls.
Users receive push notifications from the channel, similar to a private message.

In this article, we give you a Step-By-Step guide how to send messages to WhatsApp Channels using WAHA - free, self-hosted WhatsApp API!

We'll install it on your own laptop or server, so no suspicious services have access to your WhatsApp account.

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Step 0. Requirements

WAHA works on top of Docker, that's the only think you'll need!

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👉 Please follow the

Docker official guides to install it on Linux, Windows, and macOS

Why Docker?
Docker makes it easy to ship all-in-one solution with the runtime and dependencies. You don't have to worry about language-specific libraries or chrome installation.

Also, Docker makes installation and update processes so simple, just one command!

Step 1. Run WAHA

After you installed Docker - you're ready to run WAHA!

docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000/tcp --name waha devlikeapro/waha

# It prints logs and the last line must be
# WhatsApp API is running on: http://[::1]:3000

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It may take time to download the image, depending on your internet speed.

If you're using ARM processor (like Apple M1/M2) run the following commands instead:

# Download the image
docker pull devlikeapro/waha:arm
# Rename it, so you can use devlikeapro/waha image in other place
docker tag devlikeapro/waha:arm devlikeapro/waha
# Run the same command!
docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000/tcp --name waha devlikeapro/waha

# It prints logs and the last line must be
# WhatsApp API is running on: http://[::1]:3000

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👉 Now, open Dashboard at


You'll see WAHA Dashboard:

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Step 2. Run session

Now you start default session (current status should be STOPPED).

You can leave all configuration parameters by default:

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Step 3. Scan QR

Wait until the session status is SCAN_QR and click on "camera" icon:

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👉 If instead of QR you see Click to reload QR - stop the session and start it again.

You'll see QR code from WhatsApp Web app, now get your phone with installed WhatsApp application and scan the QR:

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The session status will move to WORKING status:

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Step 4. Get Channel ID

One step before you can send a message to you Channel - you need to get Channel ID in format 123123123@newsletter
to know where to send a message.

You can just execute the following curl command:

curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:3000/api/default/channels?role=OWNER' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

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In the response you'll see all channels, choose one and copy id:

    "id": "111111111111111111@newsletter", // <========= copy that
    "name": "Channel Name",
    "role": "OWNER",

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As alternative to curl, you can use WAHA Swagger for that, open it at

, scroll down to Channels section.

  • Find GET /api/{session}/channels endpoint and expand it
  • Click Try it out
  • Choose role=OWNER if you have your own channels or role=ADMIN if you're admin in the channel (you can not send messages if you're SUBSCRIBER in the channel)
  • Click Execute

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Step 5. Send a message to WhatsApp Channel

Now we're ready to send first messages to WhatsApp Channel via API!

Replace 123123@newsletter with your newsletter id, like 29847512@newsletter in the bellow command:

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:3000/api/sendText' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "chatId": "123123123123@newsletter",
  "text": "Hi there!",
  "session": "default"

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As alternative to curl, you can use WAHA Swagger for that, open it at

, scroll down to chatting section.

  • Find POST /api/sendText endpoint and expand it
  • Click Try it out
  • Replace 123123@newsletter with your newsletter id, like 29847512@newsletter in the bellow command
  • Click Execute

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What is next?

🎉 You've sent the first message to WhatsApp Channel using WhatsApp API! 🎉

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