DEV Community

Discussion on: VSCode vs Vim

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Wayne Werner

Also, if you do use something like Visual Studio or VS Code, I highly recommend a macro that will launch a proper editor like vim. Yeah, you can edit code in VS, but I really only find it's useful for composing code. You can edit code much, much, faster in Vim when you're doing anything but the most trivial actions.

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Ben Sinclair

I use this on my work Mac:

nnoremap <leader>vs :silent exec "!open vscodium://file/" . expand("%:p") . ":" . line(".") . ":" . col(".")<cr>:redraw!<cr>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

That'll open VSCodium to the same line and column the cursor is on in Vim. I do that to make use of the former's debugger, which I find a lot easier to use than Vdebug.

I don't use VSCode on my personal machine, but if I did, I'd change open to gnome-open.