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Md. Yousuf Hossain
Md. Yousuf Hossain

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Paperfly Courier Integration Package for Laravel Framework

Step 1

composer require wddyousuf/paperfly
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Wddyousuf\Paperfly\PaperflyServiceProvider
php artisan config:cache
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This will create a courier.php in the config/ directory. Set your desired provider as default_provider and fill up the necessary environment variable of that provider.

Step 2

Set .env configuration

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Sample Code For Requesting a Pick Up

use Wddyousuf\Paperfly\Facades\PaperflyCourier;

    "OrderNo" => "111111",
    "MerchantName" => "Mr. X",
    "MerchantAddress" => "Test",
    "MerchantThana" => "Dhanmondi",
    "MerchantDistrict" => "Dhaka",
    "MerchantPhone" => "017xxxxx",
    "SizeWeight" => "standard",
    "productDetails" => "Usb Fan",
    "packagePrice" => "0",
    "deliveryType" => "regular",
    "CustomerName" => "Mr. Y",
    "CustomerAddress" => "Road 27, Dhanmondi",
    "CustomerThana" => "Adabor",
    "CustomerDistrict" => "Dhaka",
    "CustomerPhone" => "017xxxxx",
    "max_weight" => "10",
$response = PaperflyCourier::sendRequest($OrderInformation);

//Collect Thana list from paperfly
//Collect District list from paperfly
// max_weight is only for weight Enabled Pickup Request
//If Thana and District doesn't match with paperfly list,It will occur error
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Sample Code For Tracking an Order

use Wddyousuf\Paperfly\Facades\PaperflyCourier;

$response = PaperflyCourier::trackOrder($orderId);
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Sample Code For Invoice

use Wddyousuf\Paperfly\Facades\PaperflyCourier;

$response = PaperflyCourier::courierInvoice($orderId);
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Sample Code For Cancel Order

use Wddyousuf\Paperfly\Facades\PaperflyCourier;

$response = PaperflyCourier::CourierOrderCancel($orderId);
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If you feel something is missing then make a issue regarding that. Your can pull reques. If you want to contribute in this library, then you are highly welcome to do that....
For accesing to repo and all method list visit github link from here

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