Recording date: Oct 22, 2020
John Papa @John_Papa
Ward Bell @WardBell
Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin
Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker
Diana Rodriguez @cotufa82
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- DnD
- Monopoly
- Nuxt
- Connect Tech
- What is IoT
- Arduino
- Intro to Azure IoT
- Diana’s blood sugar levels
- MicroPython
- Flask
- Scott Hanselman and displaying your realtime Blood Glucose from NightScout on an AdaFruit PyPortal
- Spark Fun boards
- Tutorial - Create and connect a client app to your Azure IoT central application with Node.js
- Tutorial - IoT and Python
- NodeBots Learn how to make robots powered by JavaScript
- NodeBots - Robots powered by JavaScript
- Remote control cats
- Angular
- NodeBos on twitter
- María Hernández @Makahernandez
- Ioniconf
- Karo Ladino - JavaScript and IoT: a true love story
- AdaFruit with Python for IoT
- Arduino education
- Enemy of the State
- IoT Security
- IoT Security on Azure
- Auth0 article on IoT security
- Cisco IoT security
- Faraday cage suit to block connections to your body
- My Octopus Teacher on Netflix
- My Octopus Teacher
- Dixit
- 02:09:00 Guest introduction
- 05:21:20 What is IoT?
- 15:43:21 Sponsor: Ag Grid
- 16:47:08 Are you using Python on the chip?
- 28:52:12 Intimidation with new technology
- 37:25:01 Sponsor: Nrwl
- 38:00:06 What things plug into IoT?
- 39:30:23 Where would you get started with IoT?
- 40:54:00 Are you worried about security?
- 51:08:00 Final thoughts
Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.