Recording date: 11/10/2020
John Papa @John_Papa
Ward Bell @WardBell
Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin
Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker
Natlia Venditto @AnfibiaCreativa
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- Manfred Steyer on Micro Front Ends
- Micro FrontEnds on ITNext
- Micro Frontends - extending the microservice idea to frontend development
- Micro Frontends - Martin Fowler
- Angular based micro frontend
- Manfred Steyer video on Micro FrontEnds
- Martin Fowler on Micro FrontEnds
- Scaling UX with Micro FrontEnds
- Micro FrontEnds on Pluralsight
- Microfrontends: the good, the bad, and the ugly
- I Don't Understand Micro FrontEnds
- The State of Micro FrontEnds
- Backends for FrontEnds - a MicroService Pattern
- Vincenzo reacts (negatively) to Gordon Ramsey’s popular “Spaghetti Carbonara in 15 minutes” (an atrocity)
- Iframe
- What's the Deal with Svelte Kit?
- Richard Harris and Svelte Kit
- Oculus Quest 2
- 02:26:00 Guest introduction
- 03:01:00 What is micro front-end?
- 11:41:00 Sponsor: Ag Grid
- 12:52:05 What are the components of micro front-end
- 32:52:00 Sponsor: Nrwl
- 33:34:00 Lazy loading or refresh the page?
- 37:54:10 Why go to micro front-end?
- 43:11:23 Final thoughts
Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.