John Papa @John_Papa
Ward Bell @WardBell
Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin
Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker
Mike Ryan @MikeRyanDev
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- Ngrx
- Martin Fowler on Technical Debt
- SemVer (Semantic Versioning)
- How We Build Code at Netflix
- Waterfall vs Agile
- More on Agile vs Waterfall
- BDUF (“Big Design Up Front”)
- YAGNI - You Aint Gunna Need It
- AHA - Avoid Hasty Abstractions
- How to identify tech debt
- Angular CLI's ng update
- Introduction to Microservices
- Micro-frontends
- Baby Yoda (Grogu) toy example
- Fembot
- 01:47:10 Guest introduction
- 02:33:17 What is it like to maintain Ngrx?
- 05:46:00 Managing versions
- 07:56:00 Recommendations for new projects
- 11:08:08 Sponsor: Ag Grid
- 12:18:05 Designing to avoid tech debt
- 14:55:02 How do you decide whether to start fresh or use old methods?
- 28:25:00 Sponsor: Nrwl
- 29:01:00 Do you rewrite projects?
- 36:58:12 What do you wish you knew then that you know now?
- 37:55:11 Final thoughts
Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.