Recording date: 2021-02-11
John Papa @John_Papa
Ward Bell @WardBell
Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin
Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker
Chris Coyier @ChrisCoyier
Brought to you by
- Chris Coyier
- CSS Tricks
- CodePen
- ShopTalk Podcast
- Web Assembly
- Blazor
- "Going Ga Ga" on wikipedia
- Blazor
- Azure Functions
- React
- CSS Layout with Flexbox
- CSS Layout on Grid
- Azure Static Web Apps
- Netlify
- What is Jamstack
- Github Pull Requests
- Review and publish Pull Requests to a Preview URL for Static Apps
- Best Practices for Great DX
- SnowPack and WASM
- SnowPack
- Preact
- WMR with Jason Miller
- Vite and Vue
- Enabling Popups in HTML
- Jeremy Keith
- What happened to the lost colony of Roanoke
- 01:31 Guest introduction
- 03:46 What should we be paying attention to?
- 07:40 When should you use web assembly?
- 11:54 Sponsor: Ag Grid
- 12:50 Technology moves too fast
- 16:13 What tech have you used that was worth it to get into?
- 19:35 Flexbox or CSS Grid?
- 23:48 Cloud functions and serverless
- 32:24 Sponsor: IdeaBlade
- 33:20 What do you think about bundling?
- 40:37 Is there anything better than HTML coming?
- 44:51 Any new developer tools to be aware of?
- 50:01 Final thoughts
Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.