John Papa @John_Papa
Ward Bell @WardBell
Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin
Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker
Minko Gechev @mgechev
Brought to you by
- Minko Gechev's blog
- Angular
- Angular Developer Survey 2020 Results
- Angular on npm
- Angular compiler on npm
- Angular Debugging Guides
- Info on Angular Errors
- Angular Augury
- Angular Dev Tools for Chrome
- Angular on YouTube
- Profiling Angular Applications with Minko Gechev
- Chrome Dev Tools
- Angular on Twitter
- Angular Roadmap
- Introduction to Angular concepts
- NgModules
- Angular Rendering Engine Ivy
- Angular versions
- Rendering on the Web
- Angular Universal
- Minko’s tricky array code
- Gary Bernhardt’s famous JavaScript WAT flash talk
- RxJs Angular
- RxJS Decision Tree
- Haskell
- Tailwind
- 01:59 Guest introduction
- 05:36 What changes have happened with debugging?
- 07:34 Sponsor: AG Grid
- 08:44 What kinds of errors will people be able to see?
- 13:22 What are the goals for Angular?
- 22:40 Progressive hydration
- 25:12 Is Ivy the present of Angular?
- 27:09 Sponsor: IdeaBlade
- 28:17 How is server side rendering handled?
- 30:58 How do you learn new things?
- 35:59 Are you working on ease of use for Angular?
- 39:46 Is RxJS as important in Angular?
- 44:21 What's on your Angular roadmap wishlist?
- 46:21 Angular usage at Google
- 51:23 Final Thoughts
Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.