John Papa @John_Papa
Ward Bell @WardBell
Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin
Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker
Todd Spatafore @Spatacoli
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- Moo Tools
- Vudu
- Vanilla JS
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- Progressive Web Apps
- XHR requests
- 03:01 Guest introduction
- 04:04 How do you write for tvs and media devices?
- 05:58 Do you want to switch to a framework?
- 08:43 Sponsor: Nrwl
- 09:20 What sort of matrix of devices do you have?
- 10:58 How do you use feature detection?
- 13:41 What does it feel like having to write everything?
- 21:20 What did it look like before / after a refactor?
- 23:33 How are devices updated?
- 26:18 Sponsor: AG Grid
- 27:33 What worries you about JavaScript?
- 29:17 What's the hardest thing to get around?
- 32:44 What sort of testing infastructure do you use?
- 38:19 How does this fit in to your career path?
- 42:35 Final Thoughts
Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.