Recording date: March 9, 2021
John Papa @John_Papa
Ward Bell @WardBell
Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin
Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker
Ania Kubow @Ania_Kubow
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- Code with Ania Kubów on youtube
- TikTok for Developers
- React.js
- React Hooks
- Jamstack
- Ania built a TikTok app in React, on YouTube
- Github repo for TikTok app in React
- useState with React Hooks
- serverless database
- Apache Cassandra
- Netlify functions
- Netlify Jamstack intro
- Visual Studio Code
- Create React App
- TypeScript and React
- What is Token based Authentication?
- GraphQL
- Stargate documentation
- MERN stack
- MEAN stack
- Datastax Astra Collections
- Express
- 12HR+ YouTube Coding Bootcamp 2021!
- TwoSetViolin - Episode on Musicality
- Amanda Gorman
- 02:19 Guest introduction
- 02:53 Deciding to build a TikTok clone
- 04:43 How do you use React hooks?
- 06:28 Sponsor: AG Grid
- 07:28 What tech stack are you using?
- 13:11 What did you use to build your API?
- 21:49 MERN stack
- 23:41 Sponsor: Nrwl
- 24:21 What is Astra Collection?
- 28:16 How do Netlify functions work?
- 31:46 What do you do on your YouTube channel?
- 34:43 Coding bootcamp
- 38:54 Final thoughts
Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.