Recording date: April 8, 2021
John Papa @John_Papa
Ward Bell @WardBell
Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin
Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker
Marina Mosti @MarinaMosti
Brought to you by
- Marina Mosti on
- Vue Schema-Driven Form Generation with FormVueLate
- Angular model-driven form generation: Angular Formly
- MSDN Article 2011
- They turned off the LightSwitch 2016
- HTML Form element
- HTML and Client side Form Validation
- Marina Mosti on GitHub
- Treeware
- Validating Schema-driven forms with Marina Mosti
- Docs on Building Forms with Vue
- Damian Dulisz on Twitter
- Damian Dulisz presenting Vue.js Forms and validations
- Vuelidate library is a Simple, lightweight model-based validation for Vue.js 2.0
- Form Validation in the Vue docs
- VeeValidate library for form validation in Vue.js
- Vue.js library
- jQuery
- Backbone.js
- Firebase
- An ANCIENT FormBuilder from a time long, long ago
- Vue Reactivity
- Vue 3 Composition API
- Clean Scalable forms with Vue Composition API
- JavaScript Proxy
- Vue 3 Reactivity via Proxies
- Dan Vega’s blog post on Vue 3 ref and reactive
- Blog post on When to use the new Vue composition api
- Article on Vue’s Composition API
- An excellent Vue 3 migration Guide
- Tweet about Azure Static Web Apps CLI
- Wassim Chegham on Twitter
- Wassim Chegham on GitHub
- 02:35 Guest introduction
- 03:21 Love hate relationships with forms
- 10:01 Sponsor: Ag Grid
- 11:05 What do schema driven forms mean?
- 16:58 VeeValidate and VueForm
- 20:55 How do you deal with the dynamic nature of forms?
- 36:04 href issues
- 42:17 Sponsor: IdeaBlade
- 43:24 Is Vue 3 more difficult?
- 51:44 Final thoughts
Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.