Recording date: 2020-05-07
John Papa @John_Papa
Ward Bell @WardBell
Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin
Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker
Aristeidis Bampakos @abampakos
Brought to you by
- Visit for your FREE Realtime Demo of JSDefender. Test out for yourself what your code can look like obfuscated!
- Electron
- Chromium
- Node.js
- Main and Renderer processes
- Angular
- Visual Studio Code in Electron
- Slack on electron
- List of apps using electron
- TypeScript on Electron
- Bing Maps
- Google Maps
- Axios
- Electron quick start
- open layers
- Security Checklist for Electron apps
- Why Security for Electron
- How to fully disable the remote module
- Why remote is harmful
- NodeGUI
- Building Electron Apps with Ionic Capacitor
- NW.js
- Whatsapp and electron
- Electron governance
- Fermi Labs
- UniFi Dream Machine
- Aristideis on Medium
- devTo
- 01:31 Guest introduction
- 04:59 What did Electron give you?
- 08:00 Sponsor: jsDefender
- 08:28 What are the benefits of Electron?
- 17:49 What is the interface between HTTP requests and electron apps?
- 21:38 What about security or authentication?
- 30:46 Sponsor: Ag Grid
- 31:52 Are there other security concerns when using Electron?
- 34:52 What are the alternatives to Electron?
- 39:14 Who owns Electron and what's the future?
- 42:22 Final thoughts