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Why I Decided To Stay A Frontend Engineer And Stopped Searching Full-Stack Jobs

Web Dev Ken on August 02, 2021

My goal writing this post is to emphasize you to deepen your knowledge in the field you are currently in, instead of trying to move to new fields ...
dgreene1 profile image
Dan Greene

As a frequent interviewer and a full stack dev, I can tell you that all 3 of those interviewers did a bad job and they shouldn’t have treated you like that. They committed a couple of interviewing sins:

  • full stack devs shouldn’t be expected to know details like IIS logs in the same way that they shouldn’t necessarily be capable of knowing off the top of their head every aspect of flexbox
  • they appear to have been really wanting a backend dev who can dabble in the UI but they advertised for a mix of the two
  • they asked specifics as opposed to focusing on your problem solving skills and attitude

All of these speak more about them than you. I’m sorry you had to experience that.

The whole stack is a wonderful journey that I hope everyone gets the opportunity to dabble in and to enjoy. Go forth and learn what makes you excited. Don’t let bad interviewers drive your career. But it sounds like your passion is UI at the moment, so I hope you enjoy it. Best of luck and congrats on being part of a wonderful career. Cheers. :)

sshanzel profile image
Hansel Solevilla • Edited

True, most questions were just all about definitions, though it has its advantages of knowing it, but you won't write those code in your every day life as a full-stack engineer. Seems like they just want a hard-core back-end engineer with front-end skills

gabrielmares profile image
Gabriel Mares

I was interested land in full stack jobs positions too, in my case, I like more frontend and Mobile than backend and DB. Now, I only apply for frontend or react developer, I feel more confidence with frontend

zenphp profile image
Jason Murray

I'm just the opposite, I prefer the backend, database, api integrations, business logic,'s what I live for.

ziker22 profile image

I have been moving between front and back end for some years.From my experience theres no such thing as fullstack engineer. its always frontend dev with capabity to write backend and vice versa. I would never ask fullstack engineer to design system architecture. His/hers understanding is in 99% cases not deep enough
Also with 10 yoe i can tell you frontend is no joke once you work on real large scale project exposed to internet your head starts spinning :). Good luck with your journey

timsar2 profile image

I was full stack developer, But finaly i found you cant go deep as much as needed.

zenphp profile image
Jason Murray

It's true. But the team I've been on for the last two years has had a spectrum, we had a couple of solid front end specialists, I was the backend engineer, and we had a handful of full-stack types who were able to float back and forth as tasks came up. I think starting out as a full stack is a great start, but then as you progress in your career you should begin to specialize.

docvominh profile image
Pham Duc Minh

The same like me, tried to find a job with title full stack develop.
I thought if my fontend skill not so good, backend can save me.
But sadly, company just want to find the best developer that fit for position.
And I like the guy know many thing but not pro at anything :(
Fullstack is cool, but now a day, application is separated, team is separated
Focus on one side will make you easy landing a job.

Fact: they always ask more Backend question in Fullstack interview -_-

elladziv profile image
Elad Ziv

In my experience, full-stack is a bit of a hoax.
Yes, i have met a few very impressive developers with a deep understanding of both back-end and front-end needs and challenges, however most of the full-stack developers I've met (the vast majority) were actually either skilled back-end developers with mediocre skills in front-end, or not-here-nor-there developers.
They were very good, most of them, but couldn't deal with the 'magic' that's sometimes required of skilled true frontend developers.

tanth1993 profile image

I am a fullstack. fullstackoverflow

ecyrbe profile image

You can also try to apply to fullstack JS jobs.
At least you'll have js experience and grow node.js experience on the way down.
Bonus, your team will really appreciate your frontend skills since if the stack is full JS, they certainly know about frontend.

joakinobinna profile image
Nwafor obinna joakin

I think the interviewers did a bad job. I will say, don't use the 3 bad experience and conclude that all is going to be like that. I feel you should close the full stack chapter, since you already have some knowledge about it.

akashpal profile image
Akash Pal

I have been working as s Frontend engineer for 5+ years now. So initially I started with angular ionic then moved on to react in my second org and currently working with react, node.

In all three orgs I have been part of, I feel that frontend has a lot that actually meets the eyes.
From performance optimization to code coverage to modular components.
There is a lot that can be done in frontend.

I would continue to identify myself as a frontend developer with some backend experience.

pratapadityach6 profile image
PratAp aditya Chakraborty


larsejaas profile image
Lars Ejaas

Frontend developers also need to know more and more backend stuff if they are working with Jamstack. Try building a large frontend in Next.js or Nuxt.js without knowing at least some Node.js...

golangch profile image
Stefan Wuthrich

Whatever way you go, heere you can find a Job, even remote :-)