As an upcoming web developer, my journey has been nothing less than fulfilling. My coding bootcamp homebase resides at UNCC – University of North Carolina Charlotte. From the beginning, my counselors have ensured a smooth transition from working “jobs” to embarking on my true career path.
My first task was to complete prework. To my amazement, the second chapter of my text aligned perfectly with my life overall: combatting imposter syndrome and developing a growth mindset. Let me breakdown the two! Imposter syndrome is when you doubt your abilities or feel like you are a fraud. A growth mindset is the belief that effective learning is a result from hard work, training, and practice. By developing a growth mindset, I was ensured this will help me get through the toughest of times because let’s face it coding is not for the weakhearted. Hence growth mindsets help combat imposter syndrome 😊
As you can see, tips for how to deal with challenging standstills and staying in the beautiful fight for my career was at the forefront of this bootcamp. Much gratitude for caring enough about the future overseers of technology.
Key takeaways before beginning to code were the user story and acceptance criteria, which makes developers hold themselves accountable for staying relevant in this field. They went a little something like this:
User Story
As a developer, I will read articles, blogs, and visit social media accounts to stay update in the field.
As a developer, I will contribute to the developer community with my findings, opinions, and observations to help other developers.
Acceptance Criteria
I am done when I have blocked off 15-30 minutes dedicated to connecting with the developer community.
I am done when I complete 1 or 2 tasks from the given list of options. – ie: practical coding exercises.
By creating a culture that focuses on holding yourself accountable it sets everyone up for success. Now this is only day two of my prework and I am getting the fundamental jest of computational thinking (Decomposition, Pattern Recognition, Abstraction, Algorithms). So far so good….well with my optimistic mindset its GREAT! Let’s see what days three and four hold for me.
Chat with you soon! WebTechJess #standinyourauthority
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