Hi and welcome back to Weekly Dev Tips. I’m your host Steve Smith, aka Ardalis.
This is episode 42 - the answer to life, the universe, and everything - with some guest tips on learning TDD and Lisp.
Learning TDD and Lisp
This week we have a special guest. He is the author of the books Clean Code, The Clean Coder, and Clean Architecture, all of which I think should be required reading for professional software developers. Robert C. Martin, aka "Uncle Bob", is here to share a couple of tips for software developers. You'll find him online at @unclebobmartin on twitter and at cleancoder.com. We'll jump right into his tip after this quick word from this week's sponsor.
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Show Notes / Transcript
Ok, so without further ado, please welcome Uncle Bob to WeeklyDevTips!
Thanks so much, Bob! Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs was actually the first computer science text book I had in college, in a class that used another Lisp variant, Scheme. I've added links to the resources you mentioned to the show notes, which you'll find in your podcast client or at weeklydevtips.com/042.
Show Resources and Links
- devBetter
- See Visualizations and Subscribe to WeeklyDevTips in YouTube
- Uncle Bob on Twitter
- CleanCoder.com
- Clean Coders Videos
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs on Amazon
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs free PDF
- Clojure as a Dialect of Lisp
- Clean Code on Amazon
- The Clean Coder on Amazon
- Clean Architecture on Amazon
That’s it for this week. If you want to hear more from me, go to ardalis.com/tips to sign up for a free tip in your inbox every Wednesday. I'm also streaming programming topics on twitch.tv/ardalis most Fridays at noon Eastern Time. Thank you for subscribing to Weekly Dev Tips, and I'll see you next week with another great developer tip.