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Discussion on: The Anatomy Of My Ideal React Component

well1791 profile image

I love twin.macro but I'm more of a stitchesjs guy, which btw twin.macro already supports, and I'm going to provide an example for it.

Also, I believe there's a nicer approach to that repetitive conditional sequence if error then <Error /> else if isLoading then <Loading /> else if data then <Component /> else <Empty /> check redwoodjs approach, in short, you just have a wrapper smart enough to deal with all that logic.

I agreed with pretty much everything, but types must be moved in a separated file, also, the component tag type must be exported along with the component props (for a11y). And, when it comes to the folder structure, I prefer styles in a separated file over "styled-components" in the same file. Let me elaborate more on this.

/// folder structure
- src/components/Post/Post.tsx
- src/components/Post/PostStyles.ts
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/// src/components/Post/Post.tsx
import * as stl from './PostStyles'
import type { PostProps } from './PostTypes'

export const Post: React.FC<PostProps> = ({ data, ...p }: PostProps) => {
  return (
    <div {...p} className={stl.container({ className: p.className })}>
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Then all you have to do, is work your styles in a separated file!

/// src/components/Post/styles.ts
import { css } from 'src/shared/theme'

export const container = css({
  $$minHeight: 'inherit', // <- stitchesjs magic
  bg: '$blue100',
  h: '$$minHeight,
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Now! Where is the fun?

  1. Your Post component now displays only markup content! No need to have a bunch of "mini components" with styles listed in the same file.
  2. You can now see the html tag name instead of some random (and sometimes silly) name! Which means, now you have a better experience with a11y
  3. If for some reason you need to override the style of an inner component! You could just override it by using styles only! No need to pass some new props everywhere!
/// src/component/BigFun/styles.tsx
import * as postStl from 'src/components/Post/PostStyles'

export const container = css({
  [`.${postStl.container()}`]: {
    $$minHeight: '100%',
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But! I know, I know, you're think "wtf? how do I change things programmatically in the PostStyles.ts file?" Aaaaand!! Here's where stitches shines: ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐Ÿคท everything is typed and everyone is happy! (for now... ๐Ÿคจ)

antjanus profile image
Antonin J. (they/them)

After reading your comment about splitting everything up, I'm wondering if I'm mildly biased toward bigger components because I just legit use a bigger monitor ๐Ÿ˜‚