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Should I write a new JavaScript framework?

Salma Alam-Naylor on June 23, 2022

Each week, around 300 blazing-fast, game-changing, full-stack JavaScript frameworks are released into the developer ecosystem. They promise the dis...
hyrumwhite profile image

Counterpoint: yes.

Just dont expect it to take off. You'll learn a ton about what's going on under the hood of frameworks in general. And its fun.

Full disclosure: I'm currently writing a new JS framework.

whitep4nth3r profile image
Salma Alam-Naylor

Fair point BUT you can also gain that same knowledge by contributing to an already existing framework under the mentorship of established contributors and as part of a team 😃

ninjin profile image

You will never learn how to do something really new if you just follow someone else.

wadecodez profile image
Wade Zimmerman

Thank you for the inspiration. We need an alternative to React. Something that uses JSX but without hooks. Instead it should use ES6 classes. /s

whitep4nth3r profile image
Salma Alam-Naylor


ninjin profile image

JSX is not the best solution, but if you really want it, I recommend trying $mol_jsx, which fixes most JSX problems:

✅ The component automatically tracks external states (not only inner state).
✅ Component parameters are updated without a parent re-render.
✅ Changing the callback does not result in a re-render.
✅ Our hook counterpart can be applied anywhere in the code, even in loops and conditions.
✅ For partial updates, you can create a component that accepts callback.
✅ Stateful components are fully controllable.

uzair004 profile image
Muhammad Uzair

Classes don't have good class in JavaScript. 😁

eshimischi profile image


drsensor profile image

Answer: let company like vercel or netlify burn their VC funding 🤑

I'm currently writing one 😂

don't ask why 😃
It start from me trying to participate in a game jam. Only some UI libs fit the rules so I try to write it myself (along with other whacky_helper.js). Now I got immersed to it and this is the 3rd rewrite 😅. A quick summary: it's a library that combine Reactive Programming and Entity Component System.

In the past there is a gitter chat that discuss Reactive Programming in JS. The author of Solidjs is very active in there. I wonder if there a similar chatroom or new forem for this that still active 🤔

oxharris profile image
Oxford Harrison

You might find the Reactive Contexts Proposal for JavaScript very interesting.
Over here:

I got on that work to explore the possibility of having reactivity as part of the JavaScript language. You'd realise that we've stretched JavaScript in all directions to speak "reactivity"! Speaking it natively should be all that makes sense now.

drsensor profile image

Thanks. I only skim the explainer and have 2 question.

  1. Why name it thread? Shouldn't that make it ambiguous with multi-threading 🤔
  2. Does async function inside subcript function will do automatic tracking? AFAIK in async effect, automatic tracking only happen before await syntax. All reactive variable will not get tracked after await syntax.


Thread Thread
oxharris profile image
Oxford Harrison • Edited

Valid questions!

  1. In hind sight... thread() shouldn't be the best name for that function! I raised the first issue myself here: #5. Funny!

Thankfully, that should be only a name change! And it's entirely open to inputs, should you have something in mind! I once used the following reactive/react paradigms:

reactive function render() {
    // Function body
// Do first run
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
// Change externalVariable
externalVariable = newValue;
render.react( ['externalVariable'] );
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

That is in hopes that react() sounds better, being that what it does is really to let the function react to its external dependencies!

  1. I might need more clarity on the particular question. But inside of Subscript Function is a great Automatic Dependency Tracking system - but this time - based on a compiler-generated Dependency Graph. (Here, calls to react() actually execute along the relationships in this Dependency Graph. And the chain of statements executed is called a dependency thread.)

Talking about async/await... Subscript functions could be async functions...

reactive async function render() {
    // Function body
    let result = await fetch(externalVariable).then(response => response.json());
// Do first run
render(); // Promise
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
// Change externalVariable
externalVariable = newValue;
render.react( ['externalVariable'] ); // Promise
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now, on the above update, the console.log() expression only executes after the await fetch() expression resolves - as it would normally!

Code inside Subscript Functions do not change runtime expectations.

ninjin profile image

Another way without syntax changing: AutoWire Proposal.

whitep4nth3r profile image
Salma Alam-Naylor

Cheers for the helpful links!

dodov profile image
Hristiyan Dodov

Haha, recently I had thoughts about this exact same thing as well and wrote about it. Doing so, I came across this. The presence of such websites really speaks about the severity of our problem…

whitep4nth3r profile image
Salma Alam-Naylor

Very nice article! You said much more than I did 😅

sylwiavargas profile image
Sylwia Vargas

I expected to be rickrolled and instead, I got a piece of amazing advice instead.
Please feel free to invoice me for your consultancy work 😂

whitep4nth3r profile image
Salma Alam-Naylor

😂😂😂😂😂 Thank you for the best thing I’ve read all week 😂😂😂😂😂

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr • Edited

I'm happy to say that I never finished or released the framework I once started to write, because while it would have gone in the same direction, it would never been as good as solid.js, which is now my favorite framework. I did help with the earlier versions of riot.js and wrote a few smaller libraries. In recent months, I wrote a few primitives for solid.js and one of them is already in production code and proven to work better than the alternatives (far smaller, faster, less bug-prone).

Still, I disagree with your sentiment. If you want a learning experience or an interesting hobby, by all means, write a framework or library. Just don't ever release it unless you can reliably prove that it does its job better than most others available on npmjs. And if it's not that good, don't feel bad about it. The best frameworks have grown over years and had the help of many very talented devs. You can't expect to best them so easily. Don't give up, you'll improve over time.

hyrumwhite profile image

What's the harm in releasing it?

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

If it's not good, you're basically littering the package ecosystem with a bad package. You're responsible for all the problems arising from that.

fridaycandours profile image
Friday candour


andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

If you can dethrone the big 3 one day go ahead 😄

ninjin profile image

I've already started, join in!

uzair004 profile image
Muhammad Uzair

Hell No, don't create new framework 😁, contribute to existing ones instead if you feel like you can make them better. Js community needs to settle on some standards.

oxharris profile image
Oxford Harrison

I had wondered why our community would rather celebrate a framework monoculture than encourage making things standard. So, I decided to explore a path with the standards.

For reactivity, here's something I've been working on for a while now - the Reactive Context Proposal for JavaScript -

Hoping that that's indeed exciting. 😃

fazofazaal profile image
Hussain Fazaal

Yes Please 😁

biomathcode profile image
Pratik sharma

Those are the best links

oliver01o profile image

Everything needs to be developed and it takes a lot of money. Of course, I don't know it all that well, so when it's necessary, I turn to this company. Iwanta.Tech develops and offers solutions of any complexity for any project using Vue. JS framework. You can hire a single developer or a whole team at any time. You can also get a free consultation on the site.

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leonhma profile image

As if you could lol

whitep4nth3r profile image
Salma Alam-Naylor

You don’t know what I’m capable of, friend.

610470416 profile image
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610470416 profile image
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brense profile image
Rense Bakker

I want to be a hero! - Bonnie Tyler

eshimischi profile image

Reinventing the wheel? Or just in terms of self-education?

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