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Discussion on: #30daysofelm Day 5: "Lights Out" game

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Wolfgang Schuster

The last line with List.repeat doesn't feel right to me. It does the job, but only one of the checkboxes will have an XY position of (0, 0).

I completely agree, especially since you're not using the value when you use List.indexedMap. I'd probably just use (\index -> ...) List.range 0 24 for building the initialstate.

I just used a tuple because I saw it in the documentation. Is there a practical difference between tuples and a list of length 2?

There's a huge difference! The best example probably being that with the tuple you can do

    ( x, y ) = tuplePosition
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but with a List Int you'd have to do something like

case listPosition of
    [ x, y ] -> -- use x and y
    _ -> -- handle an impossible case
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For both your Svelte and Elm code, you might be interested in Manhattan distance. Using this would allow you to just check the distance between 2 points being equal to 1 and not have to check the x and y distances separately.

Maybe there's a way I could have achieved what I wanted to anyway.

There totally is a way! You could change your Msg from PressButton ( Int, Int ) to PressButton ( Int, Int ) Bool and then in your view do

    [ type_ "checkbox"
    , onCheck (PressButton ( checkbox.x, checkbox.y ))
    , checked checkbox.checked
    , style "transform" "scale(2)"
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You'll see that I changed from onClick to onCheck which is expecting a function that takes a Bool and returns a Msg. By doing only PressButton ( checkbox.x, checkbox.y ) I've created a function that is expecting a Bool and returns a Msg. But your solution also works great.

Can't wait to read more!