Honestly, we were going to talk about forms this week and realized it was episode 404 and just had to cover errors. Hopefully, we won’t just be discussing our favorite 404 error pages online or what is the best way to disable all the WordPress plugins to figure out what is triggering an error. Or the magic way of just saving your permalinks and it fixes everything. I guess I’m getting ahead of myself, I write these descriptions hours before the show gets made and usually change it after the fact.
21 Stunning 404 Pages to Convert Lost Visitors [2021] 404-Page not found – Pagely Creating an Error 404 Page « WordPress Codex moz.com Redirection HTTP Status Dogs
Panel- Jason Tucker – jasontucker.blog
- Steve Zehngut – zeek.com
- Sé Reed – sereedmedia.com
- Jason Cosper – jasoncosper.com
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