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😷🦠 COVID-19, Self-Isolation, Work From Home and Developers πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»πŸ‘©πŸ½β€βš•οΈ

Sarthak Sharma on March 21, 2020

This is the time when keeping yourself safe can help save others. The COVID-19 situation has been devolving into a bigger mess by the day, becoming...
utkarsh profile image
Utkarsh Talwar β€’

"Despite the instant availability of facts and figures related to this crisis, it makes me sad to see that many people are still not taking it seriously."

I know, man. I just saw that the death toll in Italy is reaching catastrophic levels. Over 600 deaths in a single day. It's crazy! People do need to start taking this very seriously.

Anyone who can should be working from home. This is going to take time to settle down. Self-isolation for 1-2 days won't be enough. We need to practice weeks of social distancing in order to break the chain of transmission. The governments around the world also need to ramp up proactive testing.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’


utkarsh profile image
Utkarsh Talwar β€’

You too, bro!

lamka02sk profile image
lamka02sk β€’

And yet some people still think it is just a little bit stronger flu.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’

Well if you know such people. Run away from them.

jkhaui profile image
Jordy Lee β€’

Hats off to you for this excellent post. It too disheartens me that STILL so many people (e.g. here in Australia) seem to not be taking COVID-19 100% seriously, either because they think it doesn't affect them or because their country hasn't yet reached Italy-level meltdown. The uncomfortable truth is that it's only going to get much worse for everyone.

So articles like this are invaluable, as we're all going to be working from home for a very, very long time...

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’

Thanks Jordan Lee πŸ™πŸ½

wrldwzrd89 profile image
Eric Ahnell β€’

Already working remotely and have a system in place. A lot of these things actually happen fully or semi-automatically for me already - one of the benefits of being on the autism spectrum I hadn't considered. However... Item 4 does NOT come to me naturally. No better time than now to practice I suppose!

utkarsh profile image
Utkarsh Talwar β€’

Good idea, Eric. Let's all be there for each other. 😊

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’

But 4th is also the most important one here.

shaunagordon profile image
Shauna Gordon β€’

It is, but it's also one of the misalignments between Autistics and Neurotypicals. Reaching out, especially in the ways Neurotypicals value and appreciate, very often doesn't come naturally to Autistics, and may in fact be harmful to some of us.

The distance of remote and the inherent accessibility of text-chat-as-default can (and likely will) help a great many Autistics and Neurotypicals bridge that gap.

wrldwzrd89 profile image
Eric Ahnell β€’

To everyone BUT me, it is, which makes it even HARDER for me to deal with. I've been trying to reach out via text chat to my coworkers.

magarcia profile image
Martin Garcia β€’

Very good post. I couldn't agree more with it. And I saw you recommend something I didn't see on other posts: πŸͺ” Aromatics. In my case, I have a different one for the working area than the rest of the home, so it helps me to separate ambients.

I'll add one more thing to your list, on the communication part I'll add: don't be afraid to use emojis, a lot of emojis. Written messages sometimes can feel rude although the intention isn't, adding emojis helps to express emotions together with the message that makes them more friendly.

rentecjeremy profile image
Jeremy Smith β€’

In regards to reproducing that coffee shop atmosphere at home... there is this:

I've found it useful to just have that murmur going on in the background. Sometimes I play my own music over it.

Figured I'd share.

bardaxx profile image
Giacomo Alonzi β€’

Great article Sarthak, I'm locked down since 23rd of February in the north of Italy. I started to do a lot of things eg. this open project, studying typescript in a deeper way, cooking πŸ™ƒ

1alishan profile image
Alishan β€’

Our government has implemented a lock down from tody. And today I was working from home on a web form and along with that I was having a breakfast 😦.
And some water fell on my laptop 😣.
Now I have turned it off took off the battery and trying and waiting for it to dry.

So all the remote workers should keep all liquids away from their desk.

mquanit profile image
Mohammad Quanit β€’

very well written, will do follow this article for sure, infact i bookmarked it

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’

Thanks Mohammad 😊

lyavale95 profile image
LyAVALE95 β€’ β€’ Edited

Our job are making us work during the beginning of the phase 2 in our country (MX).
Now I'm in my place, but I'm a little bit scared. I had asma during my entire childhood, so, If I catch that virus that'll be the end.
I'm considering to leave my current job and find another one. They just don't care about it

tonnoz profile image
tonnoz β€’

Hello, nice article!

I made a video about how I am facing the quarantine as a tech. Link to Youtube: IMAGE ALT TEXT

We have a lot of overlapping topics!

sunmik profile image
Sunmi β€’

good posting

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’


demetrakopetros profile image
Petros Demetrakopoulos β€’

I actually believe that COVID-19 is a real opportunity for our community. So here are a few things (many are obvious) we can do to make the days we will pass much more time in our homes count and offer more to our community.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’

Exactly !!

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’

Thanks for sharing !!

rifaimartin profile image
Rifai Martin β€’

Good time to gain laern new skills