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Derk-Jan Karrenbeld for XP Bytes

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TypeScript types you should know about

In my daily work with TypeScript, there are a lot of utility types and standard
types I use across most if not all projects. This article contains the following subjects:

  • Types in type-fest
  • Other types (custom, built-in or utility-types)
  • Common patterns
    • Overloaded type guards
    • const arrays and union type
    • Custom errors
    • Setting this

A photo of a lot open books, nicely aligned, taken at FIKA Cafe, Toronto, Canada


A collection of essential TypeScript types.

This npm package contains quite a few that are not (yet) built-in. I sometimes use this package (and import from there) and sometimes copy these to an ambient declarations file in my project.

SafeOmit<T, K> 🌐

Create a type from an object type without certain keys.

The use-case is a safe(r) version than the built-in Omit, which doesn't check
the keys K against T, but instead check them against any.

export type SafeOmit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>

type ExecutionOptions = {
  debug: boolean;
  dry?: boolean;
  tag: 'default' | 'name';

type ExecutionFlags = SafeOmit<ExecutionOptions, 'tag'>
// => {
//  debug: boolean;
//  dry?: boolean | undefined;
// }

ReadonlyDeep<T> 🌐

Convert objects, Maps, Sets, and Arrays and all of their properties/elements into immutable structures recursively.

My use-case is primarily when I'm imported JSON, or dealing with Abstract Syntax Trees. These need to be completely immutable (until they're cloned) and this enforces that. The built-in Readonly<T> only works shallowly.

import { ReadonlyDeep } from 'type-fest'
import dataJson = require('./data.json')

const data: ReadonlyDeep<typeof dataJson> = dataJson'bar')
//=> error TS2339: Property 'push' does not exist on type 'readonly string[]'

RequireAtLeastOnce<T, K> 🌐

Create a type that requires at least one of the given properties. The remaining
properties are kept as is.

My use-case is primarily when I have to make sure one of the known interface methods is present (usually api, service, transform/conversion style objects), but the rest of the type consists of properties and members that are always available.

import { RequireAtLeastOne } from 'type-fest'

type Responder = {
  text?: () => string;
  json?: () => string;
  secure?: boolean;

const responder: RequireAtLeastOne<Responder, 'text' | 'json'> = {
  json: () => '{"message": "ok"}',
  secure: true

Merge<A, B> 🌐

Merge two types into a new type. Keys of the second type overrides keys of the
first type.

My use-case is primarily when I want to use Object.assign instead of using destructuring/spread to build my merged object. In the example below, you can see that the default for Object.assign produces an incorrect type.

type Stringy = {
  bar: string,
  foo: string

type NotStri = {
  foo: number
  other: boolean

const stringy: Stringy = { bar: 'bar', foo: 'foo' }
const notstri: NotStri = { foo: 42, other: true }

const result1 = Object.assign(stringy, notstri)
//       infers Object.assign<Stringy, NotStri>
// => string & number

export type Merge<T, V> = Omit<T, Extract<keyof T, keyof V>> & V;
const result2: Merge<Stringy, NotStri> = Object.assign(stringy, notstri)
// => number

const result3 = { ...stringy, ...notstri }
// => number

Mutable<T> 🌐

Convert an object with readonly properties into a mutable object. Inverse of

I personally use this very sparingly as I tend to Object.freeze those variables that are "truly" Readonly. As Required<T> is the inverse of Partial<T>, Mutable<T> is the inverse of Readonly<T>.

import {Mutable} from 'type-fest';

type Foo = {
    readonly a: number;
    readonly b: string;

const mutableFoo: Mutable<Foo> = { a: 1, b: '2' };
mutableFoo.a = 3;

Other types


Whenever I have some data T and modify it so that it has more data, I generally use a wrapping type, so that it's easy to compose the type as I go.

interface MyType {
  bar: 'string';

type WithFoo<T> = T & { foo: number }

const data: MyType[] = [{ bar: 'first' }, { bar: 'second' }]
const dataWithFoo: WithFoo<MyType>[] =, index) => ({ ...item, foo: index }))

// The inverse uses SafeOmit
type WithoutFoo<T> = Omit<T, 'foo'>


Sometimes I want to ensure that an array has at least one item. There are type libraries that actually define a whole lot more than just this simple alias, but that's out of the scope for this article.

type AtLeastOne<T> = [T, ...T[]]

PromiseType<T> 🌐

One of the more interesting unwrappers. This gives the inner type T of a Promise<T> type. Usefull when something will unwrap the type, or you want to work outside of the context of promises or construct a new promise type (e.g. Promise<WithLabel<PromiseType<Original>>>).

import { PromiseType } from 'utility-types';

type Response = PromiseType<Promise<string>>;
// => string

ReturnType<T> (built-in)

Obtain the return type of a function type.

This is one of the more powerful inferred types I use all the type. Instead of
duplicating a type expectation over and over, if I know a function is guaranteed to call (or expected to call) a function foo, and I return the result, I give it the return type ReturnType<typeof foo>, which forwards the return type from the function declaration of foo to the current function.

type T10 = ReturnType<() => string>
// => string
type T11 = ReturnType<(s: string) => void>
// => void

function foo(): Promise<number> { return Promise.resolve(42) }
type FooResult = ReturnType<typeof foo>
// => Promise<number>

InstanceType<T> (built-in)

Obtain the instance type of a constructor function type.

I use this if I have a constructor type (a type that is constructible), but I need to work with the ReturnType<T> of said constructor. More or less the inverse of ConstructorType<T>.

class C {}

type T20 = InstanceType<typeof C>;
// => C


Matches a class constructor

I use this when I have a type (T) and I create a factory that generates these, or when I need the constructor type, given an instance type. More or less the inverse of InstanceType<T>.

export type ConstructorType<T> = new(...arguments_: any[]) => T

Common patterns

Overloaded type guards

I often have custom type guard in order to easily narrow a very broad type. The issue with a broad type is that you only have access to the intersection until you check for presence or narrow it.

Sometimes you want to check more than just a broad type, and don't want the typeguard to assign never if it doesn't match some narrowing predicate. See the example below.

import { AST_NODE_TYPES, TSESTree } from "@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree";

// Aliases for these types, so they are easy to access
type Node = TSESTree.Node
type BinaryExpression = TSESTree.BinaryExpression

// Store all the possible values for the operator property
type BinaryOperator = BinaryExpression['operator']

// Define a special type that narrows the operator
type BinaryExpressionWithOperator<T extends BinaryOperator> = BinaryExpression & { operator: T }

// Generic overload that doesn't test for operator
export function isBinaryExpression(node: Node): node is BinaryExpression
// Special overload that only matches if the opertor matches
export function isBinaryExpression<T extends BinaryOperator>(node: Node, operator: T): node is BinaryExpressionWithOperator<T>

// Implementation that allows both arguments
export function isBinaryExpression(node: Node, operator?: string): node is BinaryExpression {
  return node.type === AST_NODE_TYPES.BinaryExpression && (
    operator === undefined
    || node.operator === operator

const generic: Node = {
  type: 'BinaryExpression',
  operator: '+',
} as Node
// => TSESTree.ArrayExpression
//    | TSESTree.ArrayPattern
//    | TSESTree.ArrowFunctionExpression
//    | TSESTree.AssignmentExpression
//    | TSESTree.AssignmentPattern
//    | TSESTree.AwaitExpression
//    | ... 150 more ...
//    | TSESTree.YieldExpression

if (isBinaryExpression(generic)) {
  // typeof generic is now
  // => { type: 'BinaryExpression', operator: BinaryOperator, left: ..., }
} else {
  // typeof generic is now anything except for
  // ~> { type: 'BinaryExpression' }

if (isBinaryExpression(generic, '+')) {
  // typeof generic is now
  // => { type: 'BinaryExpression', operator: '+', left: ..., }
} else {
  // typeof generic is still Node

const arrays and OneOf<const Array>

Often you have a distinct set of values you want to allow. Since TypeScript 3.4
there is no need to do weird transformations using helper functions.

The example below has a set of options in A and defines the union type OneOfA which is one of the options of A.

export type OneOf<T extends ReadonlyArray<any>> = T[number]

const A = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] as const
type OneOfA = OneOf<typeof A>
// => 'foo' | 'bar' | 'baz'

function indexOf(key: OneOfA): number {
  return A.indexOf(key)
  // never returns -1

Custom errors

As per TypeScript 2.1, transpilation of built-ins is weird. If you don't need to support IE10 or lower, the following pattern works well:

class EarlyFinalization extends Error {
  constructor() {
    super('Early finalization')
    // Doesn't work on IE10-
    Object.setPrototypeOf(this, EarlyFinalization.prototype);

    // Adds proper stacktrace
    Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor)

Setting this

There are (at least) two ways to tell TypeScript what the current contextual this value of a function is. The first one is adding a parameter this to your function:

interface Traverser {
  break(): void

function walker(this: Traverser, root: Node) {
  // no error

This can be very helpful if you're declaring functions outside the scope of a class or similar, but you know what the this value will be bound to.

The second method actually allows you to define it outside of the function:

interface HelperContext {
  logError: (error: string) => void;

const helperFunctions: { [name: string]: (() => void) } & ThisType<HelperContext> = {
  hello: function() {
      this.logError("Error: Something went wrong!");
      // TypeScript successfully recognizes that "logError" is a part of "this".

      // TS2339: Property 'update' does not exist on HelperContext.

This can be very helpful if you're binding a collection of functions.


TypeScript has a lot of gems πŸ’Ž and even moreso in userland. Make sure that you check the built-in types, type-fest and your own collection of snippets, before you resort to as unknown as X or : any. A lot of the times there really is a proper way to do thing.

A photo of yellow and gray, cube shaped houses, at Rotterdam, The Netherlands

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11 Tips That Make You a Better Typescript Programmer

1 Think in {Set}

Type is an everyday concept to programmers, but it’s surprisingly difficult to define it succinctly. I find it helpful to use Set as a conceptual model instead.

#2 Understand declared type and narrowed type

One extremely powerful typescript feature is automatic type narrowing based on control flow. This means a variable has two types associated with it at any specific point of code location: a declaration type and a narrowed type.

#3 Use discriminated union instead of optional fields


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