DEV Community

Jesse Houwing for Xebia Microsoft Services

Posted on • Originally published at on

Package Feeds consuming most data in Azure DevOps Server

The Collection database of a client saw some explosive growth and I was asked to figure out where the storage had gone to.

Package Feeds consuming most data in Azure DevOps Server

You'll find a few SQL statements floating around that can help you with these types of questions, but these don't list the Package Feed data usage. After some spelunking in the my local server installation I cobbled together the following statement to dig a little bit deeper:

   sum(cast([list].BlockFileLength as decimal(38)))/1024.0/1024.0 AS SizeInMb
   BlobStore.tbl_Blob [blob]
   join BlobStore.tbl_Block [block] on [blob].BlobId = [block].BlobId
   join BlobStore.tbl_BlockList [list] on [list].BlobId = [block].BlobId
   join [Feed].[tbl_PackageVersionIndex] [fd] on '0x'+[fd].StorageId = CONVERT(varchar(max),blob.BlobId ,1) 
   join [Feed].[tbl_Feed] [f] on [fd].FeedId = [f].FeedId
   join [Feed].[tbl_PackageIndex] [p] on [p].PackageId = [fd].PackageId
group by
order by 
  SizeInMb desc

   sum(cast([list].BlockFileLength as decimal(38)))/1024.0/1024.0 AS SizeInMb,
   count(distinct [pvi].PackageVersionId) as [Versions]
   BlobStore.tbl_Blob [blob]
   join BlobStore.tbl_Block [block] on [blob].BlobId = [block].BlobId
   join BlobStore.tbl_BlockList [list] on [list].BlobId = [block].BlobId
   join [Feed].[tbl_PackageVersionIndex] [fd] on '0x'+[fd].StorageId = CONVERT(varchar(max),blob.BlobId ,1) 
   join [Feed].[tbl_Feed] [f] on [fd].FeedId = [f].FeedId
   join [Feed].[tbl_PackageIndex] [p] on [p].PackageId = [fd].PackageId
   join [Feed].[tbl_PackageVersionIndex] [pvi] on [pvi].PackageId = [p].PackageId
group by
  [f].FeedName, [p].PackageName
order by 
  SizeInMb desc

The outcome is a list of feeds and their total consumption as well as a list of feeds decomposed by the different packages in that feed.

Package Feeds consuming most data in Azure DevOps Server
Data usage per feed and per package

From here further exploration should be a piece of cake!

Photo used under creative commons.

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