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Discussion on: Who's looking for open source contributors? (July 9 edition)

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Yan Minari

GroupButler is a telegram bot written in LUA (don’t worry, you will know how to code for it even if you never heard of it before) for helping admins manage their groups.

Right now we’re having issues scaling it, partly because it became very popular, partly because it process updates single threaded-ly, partly because Telegram Bot API has huge restrictions and rate limits. Since it uses redis to persist user data (I know, bad idea) it became a RAM hog too.

I have been working on a webhook mode using Openresty for a while to help with some of the scaling problems. I also wanted to move data from redis to postgres to help with scaling and make it easier to introduce some features (like, it was once requested t.

We would like to improve code quality to make maintenance easier. So far we have introduced luacheck but we also need to add some kind of code documentation, coverage and test tools. Flattening if branches, removing elses, using ifs as guards are also desired.

Oh, and translators! We welcome contributions on our Crowdin Project.