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Hacktoberfest 2020

This has been my first year participating in Hacktoberfest. It's been a tumultuous few weeks with all the spam PRs and contest changes. But here we are with only two weeks left in October. So what did I learn in these first weeks as both a participant and a maintainer?
What I Learned From Hacktoberfest
Think about your PR description

I learned to think about my PRs more than what I usually do. Before participating in Hacktoberfest my PRs usually include a few words about what I was trying to add. I was banking on the collaborators to know what the PR does at a quick glaze.

One more thing I've learned since the start is to be patient and slow down. When the spam came in, I admit I panicked at first. It didn't seem to end, and I spent most of my time removing spam. Which in retrospect is detrimental to contributors. Since spending more time on spammers means less time on contributors. That's a balance I would like to find someday.

In conclusion, I would say Hacktoberfest is a great challenge to undertake. Even if contributing is new to you. You can always find something if you search hard enough. Just remember to read the necessary documents before contributing. 👍

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